Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend Happenings

We had a good weekend. The boys and are a getting healthier but our coughs are all still lingering a bit.

The weather was beautiful all weekend. We spent some time at the mall yesterday on a mission to find Benjamin something button-less that he could be happy wearing for his school picture this week and also in search of a birthday present for our niece, Hannah, who turned 16 today! I accomplished both missions and the boys were both well behaved the majority of the time. Then after nap time we all went to the playground and enjoyed some time there visiting with neighbors while Benjamin and Abby played the playground then rolling down the nearby hill by the tennis courts. (It's our sledding hill in the winter and all the other times of the year Benjamin loves to roll down it or just run down it). He was dirty from head to toe when we came in. So, I started a pizza then bathed the boys before we even ate.

Our day today started at 5:30 a.m. Samuel woke up early today which is unlike him but since he's had this cold and his diaper rash (which is looking a ton better) he has been rising a lil earlier than normal. And of course, once Samuel was up his big brother was not far behind him. By 8 a.m. this morning I probably already had 2 loads of laundry done and the dogs both bathed so I was feeling like I was getting a lot accomplished.

Samuel went back down for an early nap so we didn't make Sunday school today. Don called this morning which was great (because we had missed his phone call yesterday!). Benjamin and I have both witnessed that Samuel is now saying "Da Da" so that was our big news to share with Daddy-O. Benjamin and Daddy got to talk for awhile. The past few times Don had called was during Benjamin's nap time so it was awesome that they finally got to talk. Mostly they talked about his birthday events and preschool. As soon as Benjamin hears that Daddy is on the phone he is ready to rip the phone out of my hands... it's too cute because generally he is not that excited to talk on the phone (although, besides Daddy-O, he loves to talk to both of his Papas on the phone).

Don sounds good. He is looking forward to his upcoming trip home in November (as am I!). I am going to take the entire time he is home off of work so we'll be able to get some great family time in. And maybe, just maybe, I'll get a chance to sleep past 6:30 a.m. on a day or two (although on the rare occasion that Benjamin has slept past 6:30 a.m. I end up laying in bed wide awake. ugh).

At church today Benjamin was the only one in the 2 & 3 year old nursery so Mrs. Lincoln took him over to children's church to explore what that was all about. (This is where the kids go once they turn 4). She said he loved it and he was smiling from ear to ear. She said he sat and listened really well and that she thought he could probably start going over there whenever. Hmm. We shall see. His buddy, Ryan, who had been playing in the church nursery with him for the past couple of years turned 4 and now goes to children's church which usually leaves Benjamin alone in the nursery. So, we'll see if this is the beginning of something new for him.

After nap time today we decided to go to Target. It had been awhile (well, for me anyways) that we had been and I needed to stock up on the usual things: diapers, formula, soaps, dog food, etc. So, after that big shopping trip it was going on 6 p.m. and we stopped at Moe's for quesadillas (Benj just finally started saying "quesadillas" prior to this he had been calling them "white things").

I kinda had my hands full there but we all survived without any major incidents (One man even commented to me that I looked like I needed a third arm. I wanted to tell him my 3rd and 4th arms are in Iraq serving his country so why don't you be a gentleman and take my tray up to the garbage for me. But I hushed myself). The best and worst part of the dinner was that Benjamin piped up and said he wanted to go the potty. This was a first. He never says he wants to or has to go potty. So, that was the best part! Of course, we had just sat down. I had Samuel in a high chair with his bottle so I had to pry him outta there and juggle everything into the bathroom where someone left a floaty surprise in the toilet (Why don't people flush? Are they waiting for a 3 year old to come along and do it for them? Well, he was awfully honored to do so while Mom stood grossed out needing that 3rd arm). Like I mentioned earlier, we all survived our dinner at Moe's.

On that note, I better go get some laundry folded and head to bed.

(I'm having trouble uploading photos tonight so I will add them tomorrow).

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