Sunday, September 9, 2007

This morning Benjamin slept in til about 6:45 a.m. And sad as it may sound, that does feel like sleeping in to me.

We had a nice morning at Sunday school and church today. And Samuel fell asleep in the nursery for about the third Sunday in a row. It is just so hard to get in that morning nap on Sundays! So, then I find myself waking him up to go and when we get home he doesn't want to go back down until like 2 p.m. ugh.

Well, today ended up being a napless day for Benjamin after about an hour long struggle of him just playing around in his bedroom I gave up and tried to get him to snuggle up in my bed. All this did was make me tired and want to sleep but not him. So, I did manage to get a short nap in but not Benj. Oh well, they were both asleep before 8 p.m. tonight!
Tomorrow is the first day of Preschool and Benjamin is thrilled. He wanted to go today actually. So, I don't think I'll have any problem getting him to run into his classroom but kids can be somewhat unpredictable so I'll have to report on that tomorrow.

I just had to laugh at these two photos of each of the boys I took today. They look nothing alike but in these photos there is a striking resemblance! (Okay, so they still look nothing alike except for their big silly mouth expressions!)

Benjamin is becoming quite the poser these days. He really likes to get his photo taken and often comes up with some unique poses. Like the one below where he requested a photo with his cars. Doesn't he look proud of them? He's too funny.

We went for a walk this afternoon and missed a call from Don. Total bummer. I wasn't thinking and didn't bring my cell phone with me. But it was like 1 a.m. his time so who would have thought he'd be calling that late. Oh well. Note to self: Always carry cell phone. He did leave a message though and it was nice to hear his voice and hopefully we'll be able to talk to him tomorrow or in the near future.
Benjamin was thinking about Daddy-O on our walk though. There is one part of our walk around our neighborhood that Benjamin calls the roller coaster and it is on a pretty good hill but walking two dogs and pushing a double stroller does not give me the opportunity to go just as fast as Benjamin would like me to on his "roller coaster" so I heard "Go faster, Mommy" today and then I told him I wasn't able to and he said "Daddy goes fast. Daddy runs fast on the roller coaster." So, I told him Daddy will push him fast on the roller coaster when he comes home. We ought to start keeping a list because there are a lot of things that Daddy-O is going to have to check off his list when he gets to come home for those 18 days of R&R. We can't wait, Daddy-O!

I don't think I've mentioned that it looks like Don will be coming home sometime in November for R&R. This will be quite early in his tour but we're looking forward to it nonetheless. And it will be very difficult to see him leave knowing it will be another 9 or 10 months before we'll see him again.

Thanks again for checking in on our blog and for all your e-mails, cards, phone calls, letters, support and prayers. It means so much to us that you are all there for us. We are so truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

That vest sweater in the cars picture looks awfully familiar?

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the preschool drop off went well this morning! It sounds like he was really excited about it so I am sure it did. Also glad to hear he decided on a button shirt. Can't wait to hear how his day went! Also, way to go Samuel on the sitting up!

Love you guys!
