Saturday, September 8, 2007

No Buttons Benjamin

Today Benjamin managed to come up with a few very interesting things to talk about. He always amazes me at how his lil mind must come up with stuff like this...

This morning he climbed in bed with me and started telling me stories. "Once upon a time," he says as all his stories begin these days. It's really cute. So I asked for another story and he came up with about 3 or 4 short stories for me. And they all started the same way..."Once upon a time" and ended with "The End." of course.

Then we all managed to get a nap today! And when he climbed in bed with me after nap he told me "I'm dreaming about race cars." Then he'd come up with something else and say "I'm dreaming about..." it was cute and went on for a lil while.

For dinner tonight we ordered pizza which didn't end up being very impressive. And Benjamin apparently agreed with that because he told me the pizza was "squeaky". Not sure exactly what he meant by that. Greasy? Spongy? Garlicky? Spicy? No. It was "squeaky". Interesting.

I think I have our "No Buttons Benjamin" convinced that he needs to wear a shirt with buttons on it for his first week of school. I told him all the kids will be wearing shirts with buttons (hopefully they will). I think I have mentioned in past posts that he has an aversion to any shirt that has a button on it. It's a lil frustrating at times (like every Sunday). He is way too opinionated about what he wears. At the meeting we went to last week at the preschool all these kids were coming in with their parents and they were dressed so cute sporting adorable lil button down shirts. And then there is me with Samuel attached to me on my front baby carrier and "No Buttons Benjamin" in his red t-shirt and denim shorts. Oh well. I still think he looked pretty cute!

But today out of the blue he said "I have to wear a button shirt to school." Yes! I think the idea of wearing a shirt with buttons is starting to sink in. I figured maybe preparing him for it days ahead might help. So, tonight before he was going to bed, I picked out three button shirts and asked him which one he'd like to wear his first day of school. He picked the navy blue one (of course, everything, given a choice, is blue in his world).

Samuel had a pretty good day. He loves to crawl and scoot around these days and is pretty content doing just that. He didn't take very long naps today so he was fast asleep by 7:30 p.m.

I received a brief e-mail from Don today. He is, as usual, working long hours and watching the days on the calendar go by. He says the long days of work do help pass the time.
I did not manage to snap any photos today so I figured I would share some of our family photos we had taken before Don deployed. (Coincidentally, the shirt Benj has on in these photos is the one he picked for his first day of school.)

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