Friday, September 7, 2007

Samuel is Sitting Up!

Yes, you read that correctly "Samuel is Sitting Up!" not "spitting up" although he's still doing an awful lot of that.

This week's latest is that Samuel is starting to sit up on his own. He's not completely independent at this task yet but he has pulled himself up to a sitting position a few times. It's really cute! (This photo I took tonight is at kind of a weird angle but he is sitting and propping himself up with his hand). He is also scooting everywhere and really into checking everything around him out. And his laugh is hilarious. He loves to laugh and Benjamin is a complete professional at making this happen. The sillier Benjamin acts the funnier Samuel thinks it is. So, they really keep each other entertained. I love it!

This evening we got the mail and Daddy-O's Model Railroading magazine was in there. Benjamin was so excited! (He is definitely his daddy's son!) He asked if Daddy sent it to him and I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise so I agreed that it was from Daddy but told him that we need to pick out his favorite things in the magazine and write them down for Daddy then send Daddy the magazine too.

I had a good but rather busy day at work today. I enjoyed lunch out with some friends from work which is a rarity for me but they were going to Foster's Grill which is a hamburger restaurant near our home (hope your mouth isn't watering too much over that, Don!). So, I joined them then ran home and walked the doggers a quick walk around the blog.

When I got to work this morning there were four e-mails from Don! I was thrilled. Like I won a lil lottery or something (such are the lil highlights of a deployed soldier's wife).

His first message was: "Make sure you take a picture of Benjamin at the house on his first day of school...with his backpack (or rescue pack). Maybe at his classroom too, if you have time."
Okay, come on. Those of you have been keeping up with this blog as well as Don all know that I'm a photo hog and use every opportunity in a day to take photos. Did he really have any doubt that I wouldn't have camera in hand. But I know this was just his way of saying he wished he could be there to share in this big even in our son's life. His first day of preschool is Monday!

His other three e-mails were brief as well and mostly replies to e-mails I had sent him. But it just felt so good to have that correspondence.

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