Friday, September 28, 2007

Three Years Ago

Three years ago today our lives changed. We welcomed Benjamin James into our lives... into the world and began our journey as a family.

It has been an amazing journey to say the least. Don and I have learned so much over the past three years. And we have learned to love and respect each other not only as husband and wife but as parents. Benjamin has brought so much joy into our lives (as has Samuel). We have been so truly blessed with our boys. It is hard to imagine life before they were here.

Benjamin started the day at 5:15 a.m. today. ugh. Much too early for my liking. But he at least spends a lil bit of time looking at books in his room. I can usually hear him reading out loud and he goes through book after book.

Samuel actually slept in today! It was a first in about a week. I went into his room around 7 a.m. and he was just waking up. He wakes up so happy. It's awesome.

So, we were off to Ms. Rie, Hunter and Jake's house. We brought some cupcakes along for their snack. And it sounded like they really enjoyed that treat.

We were supposed to a dessert social tonight for church but I decided we better miss out this time. Samuel has a bad diaper rash and it's making him pretty irritable. So, I tended to that by giving him an oatmeal bath then letting him go diaper free for awhile. Hopefully, it will be a lil better in the morning.

Benjamin got a bunch of phone calls tonight and loved hearing everyone sing happy birthday to him. So, thank you to all of you that called. And thanks to all of you who send well wishes, cards, packages, etc. He's been quite spoiled. But he does love getting the mail!

Today there was a package from Uncle Tim, Aunt Caris, and cousins, Evan and Ian awaiting us when we got home. It was an enlarged photo of Benj and Daddy-O on canvas. Very cute! Thank you, Uncle Toga and family! He was really excited about it (what kid doesn't love seeing pictures of himself). It will be a great addition to his room. They also sent him a gift card so he can get his own Strawberries and Creme from Starbucks! (You can tell they've been faithful blog readers!).

The downside of our day was that our wonderful neighbors, Cheryl, Mike, Abby and Hannah's "For Sale" sign went up. We knew this was coming and we are so happy for the great opportunity their family has been given with Mike's new job in Philly. But we will truly miss them as neighbors and great friends. But don't you worry Peters, we will not let you forget about us! Philly is really not that far away and a place Don is anxious to go visit! (Plus, I heard a rumor that Abby is making promises to Ms. Katie that she'll be coming back to visit a lot!)

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