Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Our Amazing Lil Samuel and Benjamin's Birthday Celebrations Continue

This morning my mom and Harry left to head back to Illinois around 8 a.m. We had a great visit with them and they were a huge help (I'm sure they will need a vacation from their vacation with us!).

Benjamin went to preschool this morning and was thrilled to bring cupcakes for his birthday. He had a construction paper crown and they sang happy birthday to him and he enjoyed his cupcakes. After the boys battle with a horrific cold this was Benjamin's only day of preschool this week.

My mom and I took them to the doctor's yesterday and the doctor declared that they both had colds. I was really concerned that Samuel might have an earache too so I just wanted to be sure that wasn't the case. Today his fever is gone and he seems to be getting back to normal. Samuel sure has changed over the past few weeks. First he started crawling, then sitting up on his own, and now he is pulling up on everything. When he wakes up he immediately pulls himself up in the crib and he is into everything! He's so fun to watch as his coordination develops. Everyday there is something new for him to discover.

The boys and I met Natalie, Jack and baby Nicolas at Chick-fil-a after preschool today. Benjamin and Jack hadn't had a play date since the boys started going to their temporary sitter's house. So, both Benjamin and Jack were thrilled to have lunch together then enjoyed the great play area there. And Samuel and Nicolas were both excellent babies! phew. Only about a month left and the boys will return to Natalie's house while I'm at work (she's taking a maternity leave but would like the boys to return to her again...which I'm thrilled about. Although the house they are going to now has worked out just fine and Benjamin has become great friends with Hunter).
After lunch the boys both took great naps and I was able to enjoy a lil time to myself. Which seemed rather odd after having my mom and Harry here for the past 2+ weeks and the added fact that the boys haven't been napping or sleeping well with their colds.

Last night we celebrated Pappa and Benjamin's birthdays with cupcakes and ice cream. (Benjamin loves to sing Happy Birthday so any excuse to sing and celebrate is great with us!) Benjamin has been completely spoiled with the amount of birthday presents he has received and today was no exception. A package arrived from Grandma and Papa Chapman and boy was he thrilled. They sent him this interactive system that hooks up to the t.v. where we can sing and see our picture on t.v. (Yes, I said "we"'s always more fun when "we" all participate and lucky for me he hasn't quite figured out what an awful singer I am!). Anyway, thank you Grandma and Papa! The presents are a huge hit and the race cars are tucked safely in bed with him tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin! Wish we were there to say it in person!
Have a great day! It's great to be three. Lots of new and fun things for you to do. Blow out the candles once for us, okay?

We love you!

Aunt G, Uncle Kenny and your buddy Keegan