Saturday, September 22, 2007

Birthday Bash

Today we celebrated Benjamin's 3rd Birthday! (His birthday isn't actually until September 28 but since my mom and Harry are here we decided to hold the party early). The party was at the Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum and worked out pretty well. My neighbor Katie and my mom and Harry were a huge help and I owe all the party's success to them! Without them I would have been running around like crazy.

Both Benjamin and Samuel behaved excellent. We had 6 kids ages 2-5 and then three infants (3 weeks - 7 months) and a bunch of parents. It worked out great. The kids had a grand time playing with all the hands on stuff in the children's area of the farm museum and a few parents mentioned that they'd like to return to the museum again. Then we sat and sang "Ol McDonald Had a Farm" before we headed over to the cabin for sandwiches, cake, ice cream and presents. When I asked Benjamin what his favorite part of the party was he said "the cake!" So, I guess the time and effort I put into making his cake paid off.

On the way to the party Ms. Katie rode with us (she helped set up, decorate and was a huge help throughout the party). I was asking Benjamin who was coming to his party and he was naming a bunch of his friends. Then he said "And Daddy." Just like that. He thought Daddy was going to be there. So, I reassured him that Daddy was thinking about him and wished he could be there too but that he wasn't going to be able to be there. These are the hard times when I have to things like that. I think I do pretty good when I talk to him but it's later when I'm thinking about it that it makes my heart really ache. As a parent, you want to give your child everything you have...and I don't mean material things...but you want him to know he is loved, cared about, basically, that he means the world to you. And I just try to reassure him that even though Daddy-O isn't able to be here for every special day in his life right now that he is always thinking about him and that he's always under the same big sky. So, hopefully, having our flatdaddy with us was some sort of reminder that Daddy was with us in spirit. I think a lot of people smiled just seeing our flatdaddy.

Thanks to all who came to the party. I know it is a day Benjamin will be talking about for a long time.

Well, it's been a busy day so I'm just going to include a slide show of the party pictures and leave it at that.


Anonymous said...


Your party looked like so much fun! I wish I could of been there.

Anonymous said...

This is for the birthday boy. Happy Birthday Benjamin !!!!!! I wish that I could have been at your party. You looked as if you had a really fun time. It was the first time I met your Flat Daddy and I think you need to feed him more birthday cake.
I hope you have been a good boy for your Mommy and have lots of fun in school.
Love to all,
Aunt Shirley

Unknown said...

Wow! what a great looking party! The horse racing and tractor rides look like so much fun! You sure are a lucky boy to have so many good friends come share your special day! I wish we could have been there to ride with you an have some of that great cake! We hope you had a wonderful day.

Love, Keegan, Aunt G and Uncle Kenny.

Boomer said...

Happy Birthday Ben!!!! Hope u had a great day and got everything you wanted....Your Aunt Nancy(Ford) has your presents wrapped and ready to send, maybe you will get them by Christmas but dont tell your Aunt Nancy I said that she may get mad at me, we will just keep that between us guys....Have a great day and hug your brother for us.... Uncle Boomer

Anonymous said...

aunt sue

it looked like a verry fun party but the slide show is going way to fast to see the picks


Anonymous said...

Hey Benjamin!

Looks like you had a wonderful birthday party with lots of fun for everyone!

Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you and enjoy some of your cake.

We're glad your gifts arrived and that they were a hit. We knew you would enjoy the cars.

It sounds like all of you have been enjoying Grandma Pat and Papa Harry's visit. I am sure you will miss them.

Hope the next few months pass quickly as we are looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Our prayers and best wishes to you, Samuel, Mommy, and Daddy

We hope to call you sometime Friday evening to wish you "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Hope we can catch you before you go to bed.

Grandma and Papa Chapman