Sunday, September 2, 2007

Good Friends, a Birthday Party and Fireworks!

Today was a busy but good day. Benj started our day around 6 a.m. and Samuel slept until 7:30 a.m. We were a lil lazy this morning before church but managed to make it to Sunday school at 9:15 a.m. Our pastor and his wife have been out of town for a couple of weeks now and Tim Davis, who has spoke at our church several times before, gave both the Sunday school and service message today. He has an awesome gift of singing and ministering and I really enjoyed both Sunday school and church today. (Wish you could have been there Don! I know you enjoy him as well.)

After church we had lunch and the boys went right down for their naps. So, I had some time on my hands. So, I called my friend, Kelli in Memphis. I just wanted her to know that I was thinking of her and all her trials right now. She is such a trooper though and sounded good. And as we were getting off the phone she said if there is anything she can do for us just let her know. She was like...I can get on a plane and be there. She has so much on her plate right now it is just so sweet of her to even think about offering such a thing! You're a great friend, Kelli and you always will be. It was nice catching up with her some more.

So, Benjamin only napped until about 2:30 p.m. and Samuel was up by 3 p.m. which was great with me because we were due to go to a birthday party which started at 2 p.m. The party was for our neighbor, Hannah, who turned 1! (She is the daughter of our friends, Cheryl and Mike and lil sister of Abby who I often write about). We had a good time. Benjamin loves going there and there is lots for him to play with so besides the occasional mischief he stirs up it's big fun. We arrived around 3 p.m. and stayed until almost 7 p.m. Probably overstaying our welcome but they offered dinner so we stayed! (Anything to get out of cooking!)

Hannah and Samuel had some fun crawling around each other too. They're about 6 months apart and too cute together. They are destined to become good friends.

(Note: Samuel spit up all over his clothes and these pics were taken before I put on another outfit. He really did have clothes on not just an undershirt!)

When we came home the boys got baths and they quickly went to bed which was nice. Tonight Samuel went down first so I was able to give Benjamin some extra attention during our bedtime routine. That's always nice and makes bedtime more enjoyable for both of us. We read the book "Saucy" which was a book of mine when I was a child. And has become a favorite of Benjamin's too. I think partly because he knows it was my book when I was a kid and he thinks that's neat. It is very dated but nonetheless a good book about a dog named Saucy who goes missing and has a liter of puppies. (Does this ring a bell to you, Mom and Tim? I doubt my brothers, Kenny and Ron remember this book, but perhaps.)

I didn't hear from Don today which I didn't like too much. I guess I'm just spoiled. I usually at least get a short e-mail or something. Today = nothing. And no phone call this weekend either. mpfh. Oh well, maybe tomorrow (after he reads this blog...hint hint!).

Well, I better go comfort my dogs. It sounds like another night of fireworks out there this evening. The noise makes our doggers a lil uneasy. Campbell is cowering by my side, soaking up the occasional petting I'm giving him and Loudoun is probably hiding upstairs in the bathroom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Just checking out your recent blog. The pics of the boys are awesome. Sounds like your weekend is going well. Dave and I have had to work part of the weekend including today, but we had all of yesterday off which was nice. The weather has been perfect here this past week after all the rain. The grass looks better than it ever has for this time of year and the Duda brothers are doing a great job of keeping it cut! I have been working more hours than usual at the store because we are short-handed, but we get to hire more people now for Christmas so hopefully it will slow down a bit. I'm not as young as I used to be! Caris & Tim are having some young couples over from church today for a picnic and Dave & I will join them for awhile before I go to work. Just want you to know that we are thinking of you guys and praying for all of you! Have a blessed week! Love ya, Robin & Dave