Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Grandma and Pappa Arrive

My mom and Harry arrived yesterday around dinner time. Benjamin was thrilled about their visit and he kept looking out the window watching for them to arrive. Unfortunately, it rained most of their trip from Massachusetts to Virginia (they had spend a week visiting family in Massachusetts before heading our way).

We had a nice evening last night. We all helped Benjamin put together a floor puzzle that they had brought for him and we've done it several times since.

Today was busy but nice. Benjamin started our day at 5:30 a.m. ugh. He did go back to his room though and play for about a half hour. And Samuel slept past 7 a.m. Benjamin had school today and was happy about going back for his second day. He seems to really be enjoying it.

While he was at preschool my mom and I took Samuel to see the orthopedic doctor about his feet. The doctor gave me some exercises to do with his feet every time I change his diaper and hopefully this will help some. He has a couple conditions. One is the curving of his legs and the other is his feet turning in. His left leg and foot are worse off then the right. We will try these exercises for 2 months then return for another evaluation. The doctor said he may need to wear special shoes.

Samuel stayed home with Mom and Harry while I ran to pick up Benjamin. Miss Tracie said he had a good day. He looked pretty tired when I picked him up and I thought he would be out as soon as lunch was over. But he totally fought his nap today. Eventually, we went downstairs and Pappa managed to get him to fall asleep while watching a show on t.v. I caught a quick nap on the couch too.

Mom showed me how to make golumpki (stuffed cabbage) today and they were so good. It's nice to be eating real meals. It's been challenging to cook for just Benjamin and I from time to time.

Grandma and Pappa had picked up this wagon for the boys at a garage sale back in Illinois and hauled it out here. They both loved it! It's very easy to pull and Benjamin enjoyed pulling Samuel along in it too. We enjoyed some outside time tonight. The weather was just perfect today. Low 70s and sunny.

It's already been so awesome having the extra help caring for Samuel and entertaining Benjamin. I was a lil worried after the last visit when Grandma and Pappa were here back in February when Samuel was born. Benjamin wasn't really receptive to their visit then but he has truly welcomed them both with open arms. Ah (a sigh of relief).

Don e-mailed and said he had an eventful day. Not sure what that meant exactly but I'm sure he was pretty busy. He sent a second e-mail that he received the package I had sent last week and also some mail from his grandparents (thanks Grandma Marcum!). I know that is the highlight of his day so thanks to all of you who have been sending him mail.

Well, it's been a long day and either I've caught a cold or allergies are kicking my butt (haven't figured out which yet) so I'm going to head to bed.

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