Saturday, September 1, 2007

Highlights from our Saturday

By 8 a.m. we had already finger painted pictures for Daddy-O today. Samuel had been up around 4:30 a.m. then went back down for a few hours. But Benjamin was up at 6ish. ugh.

We ended up having a great day though. Although Samuel just wasn't himself. He took a few short naps but not one solid one. I'm thinking there have got to be teeth popping through any day now.

I managed to mow our lawn this morning. We had a teenager from church that had been doing it but since summer is ending so is his services. Oh well. With our summer being so dry, it hasn't really needed it until recently anyways. So, Samuel sat in his stroller while Benjamin entertained him on the stairs outside. First in the backyard then in the front. If you have ever been to our home, you know that this process only takes about 20 minutes and both boys were very well behaved during that time. Phew. I really felt like I got something accomplished!

Then after Samuel took a quick nap, we were off to the grocery store. Benjamin loves the new Harris Teeter by our house. They have the kid sized carts, free cookies, and Harry the Dragon (a 50 cent ride at the entrance)! His favorite part is pushing his own cart. This is only the second time I've let him do this and I'd say he is getting a lil too gutsy for my liking. He didn't hit anyone or bump into anything really but we had a few close calls. But he sure does love pushing that cart and loading it up with groceries.

We stopped at the new Taco Bell that's near Harris Teeter and picked up lunch. I think this was Benjamin's first meal from Taco Bell and he loved his quesadilla. As we ate lunch, Benjamin asked "What's your favorite dinner, Mommy?" and I said "Pizza" (partly because I really do love pizza and partly because he could relate to that). And so I asked him the same question and he said "Raisins." hmm. Don't recall every serving him raisins as a dinner! Oh well, we do have some interesting conversations at meal times. And when he says "raisins" he really means "yogurt covered raisins" because at this point that's the only kinds of raisins he eats!

This evening was the annual community pool party. So, while the boys napped (Benjamin took a 3 hour nap today!) I cut up some fresh fruit to bring up there. And my wonderful neighbor, Katie agreed to join us up at the pool. Thank goodness for Katie! She adores kids and is such a help with my boys. Tonight she mostly helped with Samuel which allowed me to give Benjamin lots of undivided attention. He loved it! No, we loved it. We had a blast frolicking in the pool. It was a bit cooler today and the highs only reached in the low 80s so once the sun went down it got really chilly. But Benjamin really didn't want the pool party to end. We had a great time and he had fun with his friend, Abby too!

Haven't heard too much from Don lately. A few quick e-mails but not too much else. I figure he must be busy and I am just grateful to at least hear from him briefly each day. He usually calls on the weekends so hopefully we will hear from him tomorrow.

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