Monday, October 1, 2007

"Shoe Fly Don't Bother Me"

Back to school for Benjamin today. He loves going to school so it is absolutely no battle getting him ready to go. This week is Benjamin's turn to bring snacks so with Samuel waking up at 5:30 a.m. today I had plenty of time to wash up some fresh fruit for snack time.

While Benjamin was attending preschool Samuel and I attended a Parents Coffee for his preschool class. There are 10 kids in his class and almost all the moms were there today. There were two other moms with infants in toe so I was not alone there. Samuel was excellent during the meeting.

Once Samuel and I got home we went out and enjoyed the beautiful weather and took the doggers for a nice walk. The dogs were so excited and it was definitely easier to manage one child with the two dogs vs. both kids and both dogs.

Samuel is gnawing on everything. I keep thinking a tooth is coming any day now. Here he is with one of those nasty baby zwieback toasts (their like stale bread). Although they are rather messy, he loves them and keeps very busy with them.

We picked Benjamin up and headed home for lunch. On the way home Benjamin kept telling me there was something back there by him. Some kind of spot or something? hmm. At first I told him it was probably dirt but after further details from him I realized it was a bug. He kept saying "Get it, Mommy! Get it!" I asked if it was a spider and he said "No, it's not a phider." So, finally I pulled over (keep in mind the ride home from preschool is only 10 minutes). I opened his door to see what the major problem was and it was fly. ugh. A fly? I pulled over for a fly? So, I told him to say "Shew fly don't bother me!" And we kept singing it together. Then he said "Where'd the shoe fly go, Mommy?" I tried to explain to him that it's not actually a "shoe fly" but I'm not sure he actually got the concept.

Samuel was a lil fussy on and off all day today. But I did manage to get a much needed nap in today (Samuel did not have a good night last night...on the rare occasion that Benj actually slept until almost 7 a.m. that bugger, Samuel was up for the second time by 5:30 a.m. ugh.) I'm still coughing and trying to get over this nasty bug I've got. It is just lingering in our house. I can't wait to feel better and I can't wait for the boys to feel better. Hopefully that day will come soon.

After nap time, we ventured out to the playground. Samuel seems to do really well outside no matter his mood so I thought we all needed this fresh air. Benjamin had fun riding bikes with Abby around the basketball courts. Grandma really got him practicing with those peddles while they were visiting and he is doing great peddling now!

Tonight Samuel was out by 7:30 p.m. And Benj was tucked in by 8 p.m. Another successful day.

And it's October already! Yippee! I'm so happy this month is here. Next year at this time we will be preparing for our Daddy-O's homecoming. Soon we can really start a realistic time frame of his return. It will be good to have less that a year to go (by the end of this month, if all goes as planned that is).

I asked Benjamin tonight while he was in the bathtub what he might like to do when Daddy comes to visit and he said he'd like to go to the fair. hmm. The fair? Well, the county fair (which apparently left a lasting impression on our son) is long gone and it will be mid-November when Daddy visits so a fair may be hard to come by but I'm sure we'll find some equally exciting things to do with Daddy-O! I suggested that maybe going back to Great Wolf Lodge might be fun and he seemed pretty happy about that.

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