Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sick and Tired

Today was a busy day. I woke up feeling miserable once again. So, before I took Benjamin to preschool I made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. Luckily I have been feeling pretty good during the day it's just the mornings and nights that are kicking my booty and draining me (hence the lack of blog postings).

After asking yesterday morning if he could go to school (which was not a school day for him) he was happy about going to preschool today! He told me that he got to hold the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance the other day and was pretty excited about that. He is very into the flag lately and every time he sees a flag he shouts out "There's the flag of the United States of Amerrrika!" So, he had told me that there is also a picture of the flag in his classroom too. So, today when we were driving to school he said he was going to show it to me. And sure enough, there was a picture of the flag (along with the words to the pledge).

Every class so far he has brought home a piece of artwork. And when I go to pick him up the kids' artwork is laid out beside their classroom and as we leave the teachers remind them to take their artwork home. Today they each had a worksheet to color the letter that their name starts with. Benjamin has also been very into spotting "his letter" so this was a perfect activity for him. So, as I approached his classroom and saw all the pictures lined up I noticed that Benjamin's was a bunch of scribbles whereas some of the other kids were pretty good about coloring close to their letters. Oh well. Benjamin claimed his artwork and proudly stated,"Look at my spider webs." A while back I had called one of his scribbled colorings a spider web and apparently now he thinks anytime a crayon is put in his hand he needs to make spider webs. hmm. So, maybe he won't excel in this category. Time will tell.

After dropping Benjamin at home for lunch, I left for Bethesda National Naval Medical Center to see the doctor. The young Navy doctor I saw said he had similar symptoms and was feeling my pain (although he is not a parent let along a single parent so I doubt he truly is feeling my misery but he claimed to). Anyways, as he chewed on his bubble gum and wrote me a prescription he reassured me that I am not coming down with bronchitis or pneumonia but just a cold. So, I dropped off my prescription at CVS on the way home and hopefully I will get a good night's rest.

Benjamin and Samuel were good for Mom and Harry while I was gone (or so they reported anyways). Benjamin napped and was just waking up when I returned. So, my mom enjoyed a lil time with baby Samuel. Then I managed to get Samuel down for a nap and took a quick nap too while my mom and Harry entertained Benjamin outside.

I started coughing at some point during my nap and I think I woke both Samuel and I up. Oh well. I was happy that I at least had some sort of nap... brief as it may be. Samuel and I joined my mom, Harry and Benjamin outside and enjoyed the beautiful day. Benjamin found this bucket in the garage (which, thankfully, my mom had just washed out yesterday) and was very entertained by it.

Then we were off to dinner at Foster's Grill (a nearby yummy hamburger place which even Benjamin loves to go to). Dinner went pretty good. Benjamin ate great and Samuel sat in a highchair and gobbled up some baby food. Both were pretty well behaved. At one point Benjamin had dropped a piece of his grilled cheese under our table and I told him that it was okay and that the workers would clean it up. He seemed fine with that and went on to finish his sandwich and play around with some arcade games they have there. Then, we were just about out the door when Benjamin managed to bend down under the table and grab that bite that he had dropped earlier. It happened so fast I couldn't even stop him. It was in his mouth. ugh. GROSS. I again explained to him that we don't eat things off the floor. ugh. Makes me want to gag just thinking about it. And people wonder why kids always get sick.

Well, such is life with a toddler.


Unknown said...

Ok, So BC needs to be explained that its the 5 second rule not the 15 minute Fosters Grill the Sports bar and grill we went to when we visited? hope your feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Sure hope you are feeling better! Your story about the food on the floor made me laugh out loud. I loved it! By the way.........I love the flatdaddy. That is awesome!

Thinking of you guys all the time!


Anonymous said...

The story reminds me of the zoo. I guess I did not scare him for life.
I hope you are feeling better soon. Get some sleep while Mom and Harry are still there. You can't burn the candle at both ends everyday.

Miss you and hang in there!
Nancy Duda

Ellen and I pray for you and the troops every night. We miss you.
Take care,