Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mealtime Meltdowns

Today after church we went to IHOP. Benjamin normally loves IHOP but wasn't too excited about going today for some reason. But after we switched his order from "Funny Face Pancakes" to "Rooty Jr." which includes strawberry pancakes he was happy. He really gobbled up his pancakes, strawberries and eggs. And my mom, Harry and I all enjoyed our meals as well. Samuel was an absolute angel and didn't fuss one bit! phew.

Harry took this photo of me and the boys with our flatdaddy when we got home. After yesterday's posting Don e-mailed saying "That is eerie, seeing a picture of yourself when you know it isn't really you." Today I heard Benjamin say "Do you want to watch me play trains, Daddy?" to the flatdaddy. I thought that was cute and all worth the wait for our flatdaddy!

Benjamin took a good nap today and Samuel and I took an hour nap. Not sure why but he has not been napping well lately. ugh. He is a great night time sleeper though so I am thankful for that. Hopefully some teeth will pop through any day and explain everything. Besides not napping he has been a very energetic and happy lil guy.

My mom made dinner which was great. I could get used to having dinner cooked for us! But both boys had complete meltdowns at dinner so that was no fun. Double trouble. Benjamin didn't want to eat what we were having and Samuel couldn't get food shoved into his chubby lil face fast enough. ugh. At one point I turned to Benjamin and when I turned back to Samuel he had picked up his own spoon and was shoving his mixed vegetables into his mouth. He loves his food!

After all the craziness of dinner I decided some fresh air would do us all some good. So, we headed out for a walk in our neighborhood. Upon our return Benjamin was quite fascinated with a cricket in the yard so Pappa caught it and the two, as shown in this photo, inspected it closely. The boys did great on the walk and we came in just in time for baths and our bedtime routine (which is so simplified with my mom here!)

Today the dogs finally caught up with baby bunny rabbit that has been teasing them by setting up camp in our backyard this summer. What was this lil guy thinking? Poor baby. I am sad that it had to come to this but am so thankful that Harry was here and made the gruesome discovery (and cleanup). I don't think I would have handled that disaster well had he not been here to discover it and clean it up. (Thank you, Harry!)

I was also so thankful to finally have caught a nap today. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but am grateful that my mom and Harry are here to help. Hopefully I'll feel better soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are PnH going home soon? We miss our daily blog postings! "Time for you to go back to Chicago!".