Monday, September 10, 2007

Benjamin Starts Preschool

5:30 a.m. Benjamin woke up. ugh. And this was following a napless day? hmm. Maybe it was all the excitement of starting preschool. Whatever it was he did manage to go back to his room and read books until 6 a.m. Phew.

Benjamin mentioned pretty early on that he was going to wear a button shirt. So, at least I knew this news wasn't new to him. It had sunk in and probably put a lil bit of damper on his day but such are the rules of Mommy. So, after a somewhat brief fit about putting on his 3 button shirt some coaxing, reassuring other kids will have button shirts on and some bribery the shirt finally stayed on. (But I did catch this picture of him taking it off once).

We took Samuel over to our neighbor, Rebecca's house. This is the first year all three of her boys are in school full time so she was more than willing to have Samuel join her for about a half hour while I took Benj to school. His teacher, Miss Tracie had given him an invitation for him to bring a bear to school with him on his first day. After talking to his teachers they said it would be okay for Tommy the Turtle to join him on this adventure. Tommy the Turtle is the stuffed animal that Benjamin put together with Daddy-O at Build a Bear and filled each paw with a personal message from Daddy-O. So, a lil piece of Daddy got to be part of his day at preschool.

He looked so cute and was pretty excited. He kept asking if his friends were going to be there. And as we pulled into the parking lot he saw his best buddy, Jack. He said "There's Jack!" then he said "Does Jack have a button shirt?" hmm. I couldn't tell from where we were. My thought "He better." My response "I think he does." So, the next few minutes as we parked and walked up to the school he was more excited about seeing Jack then the fact he was going to school. (He hadn't seen Jack in a few weeks since Natalie had the baby and they have grown quite accustomed to seeing each other a few days a week). He knew he was going to get to see Jack at the playground (the two classes have recess together). So, we got a few photos of the best buddies together. They were too cute. And, yes, Jack did have buttons on his shirt. Phew.

So, he walked right into his classroom and was ready to go. There were about 3 kids already there and 2 of the 3 were already engaged in playing with some toys so he was all ready to jump in and check out the toys.

He did great! I was so proud of him. And very thankful that he didn't have a potty accident on his first day.

Samuel and I went to the grocery store and it was kinda weird just having one child with me. But I think I can get used to this. And maybe get some errands done and chores done around the house during these two days a week. hmm. What a concept.

Don called today while the boys and I were eating lunch. He was excited to get a full report about Benjamin's first day at preschool but Benjamin didn't really have two much to report. He said he had fun. And the teachers said even after snack he kept saying he was hungry. He came home with a poem about his first day of preschool and a tracing of his lil hands. It's really quite precious if you ask me!

Don sounded good. But it was rather challenging to talk too much with the kids both awake.

The boys both went down for afternoon naps for a couple of hours. I managed to get a few things done around the house and took about a 20 minute cat nap. After nap time we went to the neighborhood playground with Cheryl and her girls, Abby and Hannah. It was a lil warm but just nice to get outside.

Benjamin ate a great dinner and this is where the trouble began...

I was bathing Samuel when I heard Benjamin downstairs saying "I made a big mess, Mommy." hmm. I never know what to expect when he says this. Sometimes he over reacts and his "big mess" is not really a big deal. So, I ran downstairs and he said "Look" and apparently his tummy must have been upset because he had a runny mess on the floor. ugh. I reassured him that it was not a big deal and that his tummy must not be feeling good. I instructed him to go upstairs to the bathroom and to not take off his clothes til I got up there. I quickly wiped up the mess then ran up the stairs. Too late. Another lil mess. So, I finally got Benjamin cleaned up and into the tub. And realized that the sink was backing up. AHHHHHHHHH. I managed to find some drain de-clog liquid and that helped some. And as I'm doing this I see something outta the corner of my eye. A big fat ugly spider. AHHHHHHHH. I grabbed some toilet paper to take care of him but he was too quick. AHHHHHH. That is probably the most frightening part to me...that the bugger got away.

So, while my mom and Harry are here I hope to take care of a few maintenance issues... declogging and debugging to name a few. My mom and Harry arrive tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the first day of preschool was a success. Sorry your evening didn't go as well. We were going to call Benjamin about his first day but KJ had his first CCD for the year and we got out of the house late and then got home to late to call. Sorry!

Thinking of you guys lots!



Anonymous said...

Every Boy needs a wagon! Hey Bejamin, don't let anyone convince you that it is OK to haul cement to the backyard with it!!


Uncle Tim