Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Don Called

Well, last night I'd hoped to get to bed early; however, my lil buddy, Samuel had a different agenda. So, I was up until around 11:45 p.m. That's late for me (especially on a work night). Samuel hasn't been up that late in about 2 months. He's my good night time sleeper. So, tonight I will be brief.

Don called today. He really made an effort to track me down. I was impressed. He called during lunchtime. So, I was home but out walking the dogs (they now only get walked 3 days a week...during my lunchtime...they live for those walks!). Anyways, I returned from my walk and I had two messages on the answering machine from Don. He said he'd try me again at work. So, then I get in my car...and yet another phone message from Don. He said he called work and my co-worker, Pam, answered. (Nobody else usually answers my phone but she figured it might be my boys' babysitter looking for me). So, then I got back to work. And, of course, Pam told me he called. She said she was surprised at how close he sounded. The connection was pretty good. He called again a bit later. Luckily I was just walking back to my desk from another work station. At last...apparently 5 times is a charm. At least today it was.

So, we talked briefly and his call ended up getting cut off. So, much for a good connection. He is still in Kuwait and says he's starting to feel a bit acclimated...but it is definitely hot. He took an opportunity to go on a lil trip yesterday he said. So, he got to see a lil bit of Kuwait. He said he went closer to the ocean and it was humid there. He also mentioned that there seemed to be quite a bit of construction and big homes.

He didn't say but I would think he'd be heading into Iraq soon. Please keep him and his entire unit in your prayers.

These are my happy thoughts tonight:
  1. It's August! Only 14 months to go and Don will be back home.
  2. Harry is home from the hospital.
  3. Benjamin is almost completely potty trained.
  4. Samuel is loving his solid foods.
  5. I got to talk to Don today.
  6. Bath time with two in one bath has made life easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue, we love how you keep us posted on what's going on with you, the boys and Don. Thank you for taking time out of your already busy schedule--you're awesome!

Love Samuel's seat. He looks pretty pleased from the pictures. He seems to be smiling more, but he always has a serious smile. Benjamin's smile is like a ray of sunshine. It brightens up the room. You can't help but smile back, even if nobody else is in the room with you.

Don called before he departed from Germany and left a message. We keep it on our machine so we can hear his voice too.

Son, you and the other men and women over there will be in our prayers. Take care, walk with God and keep the faith!

Mom and Dad