Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Nap-less Day

This morning I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and could not believe there was no one stirring in my house. And I was a lil irritated that I was awake! ugh. So, I got up and enjoyed some me time for about 20 minutes until Benjamin woke up. He hasn't slept that late in ages...but he did not have a nap yesterday. And Samuel woke up around 7:15 a.m.

So, we were at Target around 8:30 a.m. stocking up on diapers and dog food and a few other things. But I was pretty proud of myself for not veering off my list of things we actually went there for. Of course, Benjamin's highlight of going to Target is the "fruit smoothies" at the Starbucks. So, he started asking for "a smoothie. a big one" right as we were entering the store and I managed to hold off until I was paying at the register. The Target was empty (apparently, most people have much better things to do on a Monday morning) so as I was at the register he walked over to the Starbucks (which was only a matter of a few yards away from me). So, I gave him some money and some guidance and he actually said to the lady at Starbucks "Strawberries and Creme please." It was too cute! His head barely poked over the counter for the lady to see him and then he tossed the bill on the counter. So, when I met up with him he said to me "She didn't take it (meaning the money)." I explained that she was making the smoothie and that she would take it in a minute. He really lit up when she handed him his big smoothie. ahh. All worth the trip to the new Target.
When we got home Samuel took a whopper of a nap and Benjamin again escaped nap time by playing in his room. ugh. Samuel woke up around 2 p.m. and we went over to the boys' new babysitters house so Benjamin could get used to the surroundings and I could drop off some of their things. Tomorrow they will start going to Ms. Rie's house. She has two sons, Hunter who is 4 1/2 years old and Jake who is 18 months. Benjamin and Hunter had a blast playing with cars and he can't wait to go back. He didn't want to leave today and as soon as we got home he asked if he could go to Hunter and Jake's house. Hunter has bunk beds in his room and Benjamin LOVES bunk beds so he is actually looking forward to nap time tomorrow. Let's just hope he actually naps! He has always been a great napper so for him to go two days in a row without a nap is a first.

Tonight we ate dinner at 5 p.m. I guess I was hungry and not paying attention to the time because we usually don't eat until 6 p.m. After dinner we had lots of time before bedtime so we went for a walk. The boys and the dogs. This was the longest walk I've taken on with the dogs and the boys all at once. ugh. Don't think I'll be taking that route again anytime soon. Benjamin got really whinny (most likely because he hadn't napped in 2 days) and Samuel lost it because he was hungry (bad timing on my part). The poor dogs were just being dragged along panting the entire time watching out for the stroller wheels. We ended up taking a bit of a short cut back home. We couldn't have been home soon enough.

Samuel had taken a good long nap today but only one nap so he was also very over tired. Both boys got baths tonight and Benjamin was in bed around 7:30 p.m. and Samuel was fighting the sleep and finally crashed around 8 p.m. I just hope I'm not paying for those early bedtimes bright and early in the morning! But we all just needed for them to get to bed tonight. It was a long day. And I'm somewhat looking forward to going back to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well with the new sitter. But I'm sure it will. I remember those "nap-less" days, even though it was a long time ago.

Thinking of you guys!
