Monday, August 20, 2007

Mail Lady Mayhem

Last night was a lil bit of a rough one. Both Samuel and Benjamin are sick now. Benjamin threw up yesterday and then again last night in his bed (ick!). And Samuel was up in the night with problems stemming from his other end. ugh. So, this morning when my alarm went off I declared a day off. I was scheduled to go into work but decided I needed to focus on getting my kids to the doctor if need be. So, after a couple of phone calls trying to get into the doctors office a nurse called me back and said it sounds like they have a viral infection and gave me very detailed and helpful instructions on what to give them and what to avoid. I took this pic of them this afternoon...Benj looks a lil groggy with his bed head and Samuel just couldn't stop smiling even though his tummy has been upset.

Unfortunately, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for today. ugh. So, I called Natalie (the boys' trusty babysitter) to cancel on her for the day and she offered to take the boys while I went to my doctor's appointment. Phew. She's the best!

So, when we got home from Natalie's house the boys and I all went down for much need naps. And this is where the story gets ugly...

Then around 3 p.m. I woke to a distant...honk. honk. HOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKK. It was coming through the baby monitor. This honking was right under the boys' windows. ugh. And the honking continued on for about 5 minutes. So, as I laid there and listened to a few more minutes of honking I realized this honker was not going to stop until they got someones attention. She just didn't know who she was messing with today. I was tired. Exhausted. And as I made it out our bedroom door Benjamin greeted me and said "I hear a noise." Of course he did.

Well, living in town homes we have community mailboxes and they just happened to be in front of our home. Somewhat convenient most of the time but a total nuisance in this case. And as I came to from my grogginess I remembered that our neighbors were out of town and left their vehicle in front of the mailbox. (We've accidentally done this before and received nasty notes on our cars. But no honking). So, I told Benjamin "Go look out the front window. I'm going to go talk to the mailman." And I flew out the door. There she was in her mail truck in the middle of the street next to our neighbor's car...not a care in the world. And I approached her and said, in a rather abrupt tone "Excuse me, ma'am. I have two sick boys napping upstairs and you are honking." and she had excuse after excuse as I verbally attacked her on a rampage of sorts. ugh. I had it. She said "How did I know you had two sick boys napping?" So, my thought is... otherwise it would be okay to honk excessively??? But that's not what I came back with instead I just said "It's nap time." Obviously, she has no lil kids. And she also said that she didn't think anyone was home. What??? My car was in the driveway. And if you really didn't think anyone was home why would you continue to honk??? Geesh. She just kept adding fuel to my fire. I also told her if she kept honking then maybe the neighbors that were out of town would hear her in another state. I didn't cuss. I just spoke my case....rapidly and with arms flailing. And I honestly cannot even tell you exactly what else came from my mouth.

Then I came inside to my two year old crying on the stairs because he must not have understood what Mommy said about her going outside for a second. Poor guy. But at least he was in the same spot as when I went out the door and didn't witness his crazy mom out there with the Mail Lady.

So, I don't know if I felt better after releasing all that tension or not. I'm sure she did not. And I partly regret doing it. It is not often that I lose it like that but her timing was impeccable. But hopefully, she will not honk like that at my house or anyone elses again. Just leave her nasty note saying to not park there and be on your way, Mail Lady.

I was a lil concerned that maybe she gave up after that and we wouldn't have any mail. But we did. And my neighbor had a nasty note on his car too.

I called another neighbor, Cheryl, to see if she heard my escapade from her place. Or the honking... she lives up the street a lil. She did not. But she also said it was rather loud at their house at that particular time and she would have been furious if her lil one was napping too. Hopefully, no one else witnessed this maniac woman verbally going at the Mail Lady.

So, anyways, the boys seem to be feeling a lil better. Benj didn't have much of an appetite today and Samuel wasn't as quite messy as yesterday! Hopefully tomorrow they'll be all better.

Tonight we also learned three quarters of a new bottle of baby body wash makes for good bath bubbles. (This incident occurred while I was quickly getting Samuel undressed for bath time and Benj was having a lil too much unsupervised fun). So much for that new bottle of baby wash! Their bathroom smells very clean and baby fresh though.

That's all I have for now. I think my blood pressure rose just reliving this episode today.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your mayhem! I hope the boys are feeling better! I guess the bathtub incident warrants another trip to the new Target when the boys are up to it. I know how much you and Benjamin enjoy going shopping there.

Love you guys!


Unknown said...

WOW, What a picture...I am sitting her in my minds eye seeing you in the middle of the street, probably in your PJ's givin the mail lady He*&!!! Sorry about your pain but it put a big smile on my face! I hope the boys are feeling even better this afternoon. G is getting a package(s) ready for all of your boys. She will be sending them soon. Well, I hope the boys are feeling better soon. I gotta pack up to head home. Thinking of you and Don often....Kenny

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the latest blog - I can just see you letting that mail lady have it!