Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today's Scoop

It seems like it has been a long day today. So, I will try to keep this brief then be off to bed.

Benj woke up about 2 minutes before my alarm went off this morning. Somehow we ended up having a late start though. My goal is to be out the door by 7:15 a.m. on days that I work. Sometimes that is easier said than done. And today I was hoping to get out the door by 7 a.m. Yeah, right. We made it out the door about 7:25 a.m. Sometimes this potty training business slows us down a bit. When he's gotta go...he's gotta go.

On Monday morning it was foggy and Benjamin told me, "Mommy, it's foggy." Not sure where he picked this information up from but he was absolutely right. So, since then every time we've gotten in the car he tells me "Mommy, it's not foggy anymore."

Well, we stopped off at a house in Natalie's neighborhood to pick up a Bumbo seat from someone I found on Craigslist. What's a Bumbo seat you say? Well, take a look of this pic of my smiley lil Samuel and you'll see him in his Bumbo. It just helps them to sit up when they can't quite sit up on their own. I asked my friend, Kelli, about the similar type seats she had for her triplets and she gave me the pros and cons. They can be rather pricey for something they'll only use for a few months so I didn't want to spend a fortune on one. So, I placed a post on Craigslist.org and got a few responses. So, I stopped by to pick it up this morning (prior to dropping the boys off). The lady asked if she could talk me into taking a bouncy seat too. I'm all about freebies so I happily agreed and then we were off to Natalie's. I offered the bouncy seat to Natalie (since Samuel is there quite often and she has a new baby on the way). She was happy to give the bouncy a try (as was Samuel).

Well, tomorrow is the big day! It will be August 1st. Benjamin's preschool registration is due. And the deadline for potty training. The form states that he must be potty trained by August 1st. I think we just made it! I'm pretty amazed at how well he's doing. And I'm loving the fact that I haven't had to do laundry just to stock up on clean underwear! He ought to be an old potty pro by the time September 10 rolls around and he starts school.

We had a quick dinner tonight and Benjamin had his first "Firecracker" Popsicle. He loved it but it got pretty drippy and his entire right hand turned blue. He was a mess. We soaked his hand for quite awhile but it was still a tad bit blue when he went to bed. Oh well, such is life of a boy.

Harry is still in the hospital. It has been a week now that he's been there. But it sounds like things are looking brighter. He wasn't running a temperature today (at least when I spoke to them around lunchtime). So, hopefully everything is clearing up and maybe he'll be released tomorrow.

I didn't hear from Don today but I realize some days he will be busier than others. The Internet just totally spoils me. I don't know what I'd do without him having Internet access.

I'm assuming he is still in Kuwait.

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