Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Movie Madness

Today I took Benjamin to see his first movie at a movie theater. We have a new movie theater in the area and they have a free summer movie series for kids. And concessions are only $1! Well, I happen to have the day off and our wonderful neighbor, Rebecca, agreed to watch baby Samuel! Sweeeeeeeeet.

Benjamin was so excited. I didn't mention it until last night that we would be going. We have read "Curious George Goes to a Movie" about a gazillion times so he pretty much knew what to expect. So, naturally, he started asking about going to the movies around 6:30 a.m. (shortly after he woke up). And when we were headed over to Rebecca's house he said "I wanna take the green bus!" Of course he did, after all, that is how Curious George and the man with the yellow hat got to the movie theater! He also kept looking at the back of the theater and the window where the projector is...because that's where Curious George went and caused a commotion in the book. He also wanted to know where the door was to get up to that window.
He actually did really well at the movie. He sat pretty well for the majority of the movie. Only a few moments of wiggles from time to time. And he really loved the movie.

Rebecca's son Matie joined us for the movie too. He's 10 years old and was probably somewhat bored by "Clifford's Really Big Adventure." but we all enjoyed the popcorn and air conditioning! (It was a sweltering 95ish today and just plain icky outside).

The new theater is soooo nice. (This is the first movie I've been to since I saw "Narnia" at Christmastime last year or whenever it was out). The theater was huge and it was packed with kids. I was happy we got there early and got great seats.

So, we had a great time at the movies...and Samuel soaked up the attention at Ms. Rebecca's house whose youngest son (also named Sam) is six and apparently adored him. It was rather refreshing going somewhere without a diaper bag! (Benjamin is doing great on the potty! No accidents in about a week. I think we're about there on that issue).
After lunch the boys took naps and Samuel didn't wake up until around 6 p.m. Quite a long nap for him. Benjamin on the other hand didn't sleep very long and woke up pretty disgruntled. Nothing was pleasing him. "Captain Crabbypants" is what I like to call this particular alter ego of his. But after doing some painting activities, watching a lil t.v., and playing with some cars he managed to snap out of it. Otherwise I would probably be totally insane at this moment (there is only so much of Captain Crabbypants that one can handle!).

After dinner we went outside for a walk around the block...dogs and all. Our spoiled dogs get quite stir crazy when they don't get there walks so I've managed to figure out a system where we can all get outside and walk. Benjamin rides his motorized motorcycle (which goes about 1 mph) and I follow along pushing Samuel in his stroller while I'm holding the dogs leashes. The dogs in turn make every attempt to avoid getting run over by the stroller! Today my neighbor, Katie came out and tracked us down. She said she saw us out and thought she'd come walk the dogs for me. So, she took their leashes outta my hand and visited with us as we all walked at the fast pace of the motorcycle. Wonder if she'll ever volunteer for that one again? Probably not in this miserable heat anyways.

I received a few e-mails from Don over the past few days...
here are a few excerpts (they may seem rather random but they are from several different e-mails):

"We arrived here Saturday at 4am in the morning so, after signing for my hooch, getting my bags, and showering I slept for two hours and then went to 4 hours worth of briefings. Then went to dinner and walked around a bit and went to bed. Yesterday (Sunday) my roommate and I got up and ran two miles around "Lost Lake", showered, ate breakfast, went to chapel, then went to work a half day in the office from about 10 am to 8 pm. We had some meetings and briefings yesterday afternoon, 2-3 hours worth."

"I live in half a trailer that I share with another roommate. I currently have a temporary roommate who will move into another trailer once it opens up. Bathrooms and showers are in another trailer within relative close walking distance. There is a window sized air conditioner that isn't working real well, but we put a work order on it. I do have a nice firm mattress though."

and..."Yes it is very dusty here. Baghdad area is in the Euphrates river valley, so officially this isn't the desert. Kuwait was the desert."

and also mentioned this "There are boxes of candy over here from other people receiving it so hold of on any snacks for now."

I have a snail mail address for him, so if you would like to send him a note, card, letter, fan mail, etc., please e-mai l me and I can send you that info.

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