Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our Not So Exciting Wednesday

Today we had a pretty uneventful day which was awesome after the past few days which have been rather hectic. Yesterday Samuel was up from 4-5 a.m. then went back down rather easily. Then Benjamin was up at 5:40 a.m. and I had to roll out of bed at 6 a.m. ugh. I felt awful most of the day yesterday... pretty exhausted and my throat was bothering me too. I worked briefly...and had a couple of doctor's appointments and the boys were at Natalie's house. Then I went to a baby shower for Natalie at one of her neighbor's house. It was nice to get out. I brought Samuel with me while Benjamin stayed with Jack and his daddy, Dennis. Unfortunately, after doing great all day, Benjamin did get sick while with Dennis. ugh. But otherwise he is acting pretty normal.

Today, Benjamin was up at 5 a.m and after several attempts at sending him back to bed I asked him to read which didn't last too long. So, our day started pretty early once again today. But I'm feeling much better. And my sore throat seems to be gone!Samuel was very needy today and really just wanted to be held. I think he's still not 100% but I also think something else is going on... teeth? Time will tell. Here he is sitting on the kitchen counter while I was loading the dishwasher. He managed to find a roll of yellow ribbon I had sitting there and kept himself quite entertained.

Benjamin took an early nap today which made for a long afternoon. But he did pretty well today. We took an afternoon walk which we all really needed. The weather has been great this week. In the 60s and 70s and finally some rain!!! Besides the walk...we went nowhere today which was fine by me. I managed to sort through some of Samuel's clothes... they go through them so quick at this age! So, I felt like I got a lil accomplished but besides that and a little bit of laundry not much else got accomplished! (But I still have about an hour until I go to bed!)

Here are a couple of photos I took of Benj tonight at the dinner table with his Army water canteen that Daddy-O sent him last month. He was so excited to use it. It's actually on his dresser right now as he sleeps.

Don has been good about sending daily e-mails and seems to be doing good. Definitely, has not lost his sense of humor. He had read the previous blog I posted regarding the incident with the beloved mail lady and he suggested that my throat was hurting from yelling at her. Ha! Lucky he wasn't in a near vicinity making comments like that. (Note: My throat hurt before the incident. Really.) Anyway, Don will be out of the office for a few days so please keep him in your prayers.

Yesterday I called my friend, Kelli, in Memphis whose mother recently passed away. I thought maybe she would be home from work...but when no one answered I didn't leave a message and figured I'd call back again soon. It was weird though because I really felt like I needed to call her (we don't really talk on the phone often although we have remained close friends for years). Then she left me a voice mail last night that she saw I had called their number and she said it had been a rough day and that her grandfather passed. I know they are going through a lot right now and I'm praying for her and her family every day. Hang in there Kelli! I know it may not seem like it but the sun will shine again.

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