Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sweet Sunday

Today was a great way to end a good weekend. Don called this morning before we went to church. It was great to hear from him. He is still in Tikrit, Iraq. He traveled there by helicopter a few days ago and will be there for a few more days. He sounded good. Sounds like things are a lil more relaxed there. He said the unit he is visiting have been there for about a year. We talked for awhile and Benjamin talked to him for a good long while too. He gets so excited to talk to Daddy-O on the phone. It's really sweet. And with Don keeping up with the blog and the e-mails I send him he knows what's going on in Benjamin's world and was asking him about his upcoming birthday party and his new Diego rescue pack. All things Benjamin is excited to talk about.

After church we all laid down for naps. I slept about a half an hour when I heard some toy making noises from Benjamin's room. So, that was the beginning of what was to become a napless day for Benjamin. ugh. This has only happened a few times in his life...when he just didn't nap. Usually, he is a good napper. So, I dreaded bringing him anywhere with him not having had a nap but we had plans to go over to our friends, Dave and Nelly's house for dinner. And Benjamin was so excited to go play with Brookie. This could have been part of the reason he didn't nap. Because when I eventually gave into the idea that he wasn't going to nap he asked "Can we go to Brookies' now?"

So, we had a nice visit with Dave, Nelly and the kids tonight. Benjamin and Brooke and a couple of neighbor boys had a blast playing. And Samuel and Reed (who are just a few weeks apart in age) had some fun rolling around on the floor together. And I enjoyed a night when I didn't have to cook dinner!

We have long talked about the budding romance between Benjamin and Brooke and I think these photos may have captured some early moments of their lil love affair! Aren't they just too cute! (Watch out Davey! Those Chapman boys can really stir a girl's heart!)

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