Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Sitter is a Big Hit

Everything seemed to go pretty good at the new boys' sitter's house yesterday. Benjamin had a blast and can't wait to go back tomorrow. Although, Rie did call me in the afternoon yesterday with concern that Benjamin hadn't eaten. I think he was just really excited. She said they sat down for lunch and Benjamin declared he was ready for nap time. Hunter has bunk beds and Benjamin was so excited about sleeping in them that he skipped lunch for nap time. So, she said she closed the blinds in the room and he said "Goodnight" and he was out for about 2 1/2 hours. Phew. He did end up eating when he woke up from nap.

And she also mentioned that Samuel spits up a lot. Anyone who has spent more than 10 minutes with Samuel can attest to that! He is my spitter. Hopefully, she can see past that lovely quality of his and find it somewhat endearing. Everyone says they start to outgrow all that spitting up and acid reflux around 6 months. I'm still waiting. Hopefully the spitting up will end soon.

When I went to pick them up from Rie's, Benjamin didn't want to leave. So, I think that is a good sign that he is going to adjust just fine to this change in his life.

Last night I had to attend a parent orientation for Benjamin's preschool. My neighbor, Cheryl, gracefully agreed to take on my two kids in addition to her two. And the meeting lasted from 7 p.m. until about 8 p.m. Everything went well. But I did get a lil teary eyed when the director talked about Father's Night and they showed slides of some kids showing off their school work to their dads. At least this is only preschool and in hind sight Benj will probably not recall these days much (although the kid has a remarkable memory so time will tell).

Today we went to get Samuel's 6 month photos taken. It is a very kid friendly place called "Portrait Innovations" that I take them to. But I packed some extra things to entertain Benjamin while Samuel was posing! I'm including a slide show of all is pics in this post. Isn't he too stinkin cute? He wasn't as smiley as I had hoped because really that boy can smile and today I think the timing was off and he would have rather been sleeping than smiling at the camera. Oh well. We got some cute ones nonetheless.

Then we were off to the mall to pick up Benjamin's fat feet shoes that I had ordered from Stride Rite. So, there we were signed in and waiting for Benjamin's name to be called. And we ended up being the family you don't want to be around in a pretty tight knit store. ugh! Benjamin was running around the store bumping into people. So, I corralled Benjamin back into his stroller after making him apologize to the three women he hit. And then I buckled him in the stroller as he preceded to sob about being buckled in for the entire rest of our wait. I'm sure the employees there were very glad to help us and get us out of their store (as were many of the customers).

But in Benjamin's defense, I had just dragged him to his brother's photo shoot where he had to behave too. Just pushed him to his limits. And we all paid!

Both boys took naps today and I was able to poop scoop the backyard (yes, we do have two dogs) and also do some much needed weeding. I felt like I actually got something accomplished doing both those chores. Then tonight the boys, dogs and I went for a nice walk around our neighborhood. My timing was better and our route was shorter than the other night. phew.

Don e-mailed that he had a long day and sounded like he is back at his regular base now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to know the new sitter was a hit! The pictures of Samuel are beautiful! He is so darn cute! I'm glad I don't have to pick the favorites.

Thinking of you guys!

Love you!
