Friday, August 10, 2007

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

Yup. That's our boy, Benjamin out in our yard in his favorite Go Diego Go t-shirt, underwear and crocks helping tie a yellow ribbon around our tree! I've been meaning to put the yellow ribbon on our tree for a couple of weeks now and finally got an opportunity to do so. This was after Benjamin watered some outdoor plants in the same lovely attire. (Some days potty training is just easier without the extra layer!).

Well, we had a busy day today. We were out the door around 8 a.m. and off to the doctor's in Bethesda, Maryland which is about 45 minutes away. Samuel's 6 month check up! He'll be 6 months on Monday... I can hardly believe it. He weighed in at 19.5 pounds and measured 28.75 inches. Both the boys were really good at the doctor's office which was pretty impressive considering our appointment was at 9 a.m. and the doctor we saw didn't come into the room until after 10 a.m. ugh! (Love that free military healthcare...oh...we pay in other ways!). So, Samuel was referred to orthopedics. His feet have been turned in since he came outta my belly so we will see what they have to say about helping that situation out. So far each doctor he has seen in pediatrics over the course of his lifetime seems to have a different opinion: Doctor #1: Exercise his feet this way and it should help stretch them. Doctor #2: Not a big concern. He will outgrow it. And now, apparently this doctor (Doctor #3) seems to think it is serious enough for a referral.
After a couple of shots and a good wait at the pharmacy we were outta there around 1 p.m. And home by 2 p.m.! Phew. Benjamin fell asleep in the car and the nap was over the minute I pulled into the driveway...but bedtime was really simple tonight! He was out like a light. And Samuel was exhausted after spending all day at the doctors. So, he slept all afternoon.

I did manage to get a few photos of him awake this afternoon though... and this photo of the two of them in Benjamin's firetruck bed is my favorite photo of the two of them together to date. It just looks like what brotherhood is all about! Having a good ole time! Samuel looks like he thought he was big stuff sittin' in there with his big brother. I know they won't always get along as well as they do... but they totally adore each other right now. It's awesome. Benjamin loves to make Samuel smile and Samuel in turn loves to laugh at his big brother. And the cutest thing is that Benjamin almost always holds Samuel's hand when they are in the car. Their car seats are right next to each other and Samuel's is currently rear facing... so it puts their hands very close together... and Benjamin always reaches for Samuel's hand. It is very rare that I look in my rear mirror and they are not holding hands. Gotta love that!

I received a pretty lengthy e-mail from Don today. So, here is an excerpt from that:

"They did replace the air conditioning. This week has been cooler after the first couple of days here. I have been here in Iraq for about a week. The temperature this week has settled back down to about 106-108degrees. Sure beats the 120's. I am getting into a fairly regular routine. Get up, work out, shower, eat breakfast, work, eat lunch, work, eat dinner, go change into PT shorts and tshirt, lift weights, read my bible, go to sleep. Do it all over again the next day. Sundays I go to chapel service before going to work. I don't work out every day. Mostly running in the mornings and weights in the evenings. I got a vacuum cleaner and cleaned my room last night. Only one half of the trailer. I also tried to wipe the walls down. The dust is terrible and it doesn't look like the previous occupant did much to clean up when he moved, let alone routinely. It was disgusting."

So, I guess I won't complain about the heat today after hearing that 106 is a cool snap? hmpf.

"So I'm standing and waiting and praying . . .
and one of these days Don is going to untie
that yellow ribbon. It's going to be out there until he does."
--adapted from Penne Laingen

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