Thursday, August 16, 2007

Samuel Who? Mr. MaGoo?

Well, I think it is time for me to address the recent poll that was taken on this blog regarding Samuel.

For those of you who didn't pay any attention to the poll or the results, let's review...

The question was:
Who do you think baby Samuel looks like?
And the final tally was:
Daddy-O..............7 votes (43%)
Mommy...............0 votes (what?)
Papa Chapman...1 vote (6%)
Mr. MaGoo..........8 votes (50%)

At first, I must say I was a lil saddened by the fact that not one person thought that our son Samuel resembled me...afterall, I was the one who carried that boy around in my belly for 9 months and 1 day and gave birth to the 8 pound 12 ounces of cuteness. That he resembled Don was okay. Even I agree with that. But the fact that Mr. Magoo, a fictional character who we are obviously not even related to got more votes than me (or Don) was a little concerning.


Then I found out the truth. And the truth, my dear friends and relatives, is that this poll had been tampered with. That's right! I had someone admit to me that they felt so strongly that Samuel resembled Mr. Magoo that they tampered with the poll and actually voted frequently in his favor.

So, now I'm not sure what to make of my unofficial poll. I guess we shall just wrap it up and say that indeed our son does look like Mr. Magoo; however, due to improper voting procedures and perhaps a hanging looks like this election...errr, poll is corrupt. Now what? No recount. Nope. We'll just move on and figure out what the next poll should be.

Well, thank you you for all of you that voted from the heart and didn't make an effort to sway the vote. And thank you to the person(s) responsible for corrupting the poll as well. It really did make me laugh. And, of course, I do think that Samuel resembles Mr. MaGoo, afterall, I was the one who originated the poll (and his nickname...poor baby MaGoo).
Any idears on what kind of poll I should post next?


Anonymous said...

Was Samual really 12 pounds 8 oz.?
If he was, that is probably why he looks like Magoo.


Sue said...

I corrected my blog entry...he was indeed 8 pounds 12 ounces and thankfully NOT 12 pounds 8 I originally typed!