Saturday, July 21, 2007

Two Posts in One Day?

What's this...two posts in one day? I know, I can hardly believe it myself. Nothing exciting to add... just bored, I guess. And I took some pics of the boys today that I thought I'd share.

Don called twice this afternoon while the boys and I were outside. He said he'll try back later tonight so hopefully I will get to talk to him yet this evening. The weather has been so nice that it's hard not to go outside and enjoy it. We took Benjamin's motorcycle around the block. It was the first time he's done that without stopping to flip it over and "check the engine" or whatever it is that he flips it over and pretends to do. Then we went to the park again. Samuel really loves the swing! And Benjamin had a ball too. His friend, Abby, showed up and they had a grand time playing. Then Abby rode on the back of the motorcycle all the way to our house. It was pretty cute. I told Abby's mom, Cheryl, that she better watch out since her daugther is already riding on the back of a boy's motorcycle! (I suppose I better watch out too... Abby is 5 and Benjamin thinks she's a princess! Going for those older girls??? hmm. I don't blame him. She's cute and witty!)

Today went by so fast. The boys were good and Benjamin did excellent on the potty! woo hoo. We made it through another day accident free. Every day is a victory! I picked him up some new underwear with Lightening McQueen and Mater on them (from the Cars movie). He loves them. I washed them and he had to put them on already. It was too funny. I told him if he took his own shorts and underwear off by himself that he could put the new ones, he did just that. I also picked him up a new fire truck pillow case for his bed. He was thrilled with it. He could hardly wait to lay his lil noggin on it tonight. It's so cute how the simplest things thrill kids. I hope he is always this easily entertained.

Don e-mailed me an APO mail address for him today so I should be able to share that soon. He will not be in country for awhile though so he asked that nothing be sent to him just yet.

I think the next week will be tough. Probably won't be hearing from Don much (or at all). I dread the days that I know he is en route somewhere. I'll feel much better when he is in one spot for a bit. Hopefully, his job won't entail him moving around much. Time will tell.

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