Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oh What a Night!

I'm posting this blog post because, I think, sooner or later I will laugh about it! My life seems to often remind me of song titles (ie: Oh What a Night by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons ).

Although it's just after 8 p.m. and both boys are already in bed. ahhh. Not too shabby for a days work.

Tonight we went to the new Walgreens nearby and picked up a few things then headed for home and had a quick dinner. Don had called while we were out and left me a number to call him back at. He actually had the day off but ended up working to get some things done...so he was in an office I could call him at. He really called to speak to Benjamin. This was only the second time he had gotten to talk to him since he'd left. So, Benjamin told Daddy about some of his potty successes and rewards for the success! He has been asking about Daddy a lot since Nancy and Ellen left. It was great we had that distraction so soon after Don had left but I think he's really starting to notice Don's absence now. So, we've been watching videos of Daddy and looking at lots of pictures too.

So, Don and I were able to talk for a little while too. He's been calling about every other night which has been nice. And he's able to e-mail just about daily right now. (His barracks do not have Internet connection).

After dinner it was bath time. Samuel first. Easy, easy, easy. He's so funny these days. He really wants to sit up. He does well sitting up in the bathtub. I took a bunch of pictures of him. It almost seems like he wants to pull himself up to a standing position. He's a strong boy!

Then time for Benjamin's bath. I often multi task this one. I get Benjamin in the tub while I sit in there and feed Samuel his last bottle of the night then put him down for the night. So, all went well (except for the super size cup of water being poured out of the tub--that's what bath mats are for, right?) until it was time for Benjamin to get out of the tub. Then we put on the crocodile towel. A real cute one but apparently it now brings out the beast in our child (you read that correctly, "beast" NOT "best"). Imagine this, if you will, I was trying to cradle Samuel while feeding him the last of his bottle while brushing Benjamin's teeth. And that lil crocodile sunk his front teeth into my forearm. That was about 45 minutes ago and there is still a red mark of two distinct teeth. Not only did I want to scream because of the slight ting of pain, but also out of horror and disbelieve that my child was actually biting me. I leaned down to him and said very firmly "We do NOT bite." Then he explained to me very matter of factly that, in his words, "I'm a crocodile. ergh." Before I knew it he was on an escapade down the stairs to the toys he had been playing with before bath time. He stopped to let the dogs out the back door. (REMINDER: He is only in his crocodile towel at this point). Then he slips out the back door behind the dogs. That's our boy! Our butt naked crocodile boy on the back deck. Oh what a night!!!

I managed to catch him pretty quick and get him in before (I think) any of the neighbors actually saw any of this happen. Once I actually got Samuel in bed life was much easier. Samuel fell right asleep and only two books for Benjamin tonight and he was out.

Now I need some down time of my own. But before I go, I just want to thank all of you who have e-mailed and posted your kind words of support. It means so very much to both Don and I and it's great to know we are so loved. Thank you again.

Note to Kelli R: Thank you for the wonderful crocodile towel. He does really love it! But you may want to consider a more docile type of creature towel when your triplets are are 2 1/2! hee hee.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have your hands full, but doing okay. You will soon get into a routine and things will be easier. It's so nice that your family is able to come and help you. This brings back memories of when my Don was in the Navy and we had only Andy. I'm sure it is a little harder with two. Keep on keeping on.

Love, Barb T

Kelli said...

Your post made me laugh, i never thought of that....maybe we will have to the PB Lamb towels for my boys when they are 2 1/2 !!!

I just love reading your blog!!!

Give your boys a hug for me!