Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Day

We went up to the pool this morning for a couple of hours. It was great. Benjamin has been wearing his floatation vest (which at first he refused to wear) and has been having a blast. He and Keegan splashed around the kiddie pool too and had big fun. Then we went home, had lunch and my boys took naps. Benjamin slept for about 3 hours! Phew. We needed that. But when he woke up he looked like a racoon. ugh. I was really afraid of getting sunscreen in his eyes (this happened earlier in the summer and he was miserable). So, now I have a son with two red rings around his eyes (see photo at left of my Sunburned Bandit). I feel like a bad mom. But overall, I think I did pretty good... Samuel has absoltely no pink spots (other than his skinned up toes from scrapping the bottom of the kiddie pool while he was in his baby floaty the other day...I know, bad mom) and all the pink on Benjamin after today's long stay at the pool is all around his eyes (and cheeks).

We just returned from the airport where the boys and I took my nephew, Keegan, after his 10 day stay with us. His flight was at 7:05 p.m. and they took off a little late putting us at home right about 8 p.m. without much of a dinner. So, we sat and finished our sandwiches from Potbelly which we got at the airport.

While we waiting for Keegan to get on his plane both of my boys were both having issues. Samuel was having a fussy fit so I picked him up and was holding him when his pacifier shot out of his mouth followed by a huge splash of spit up. It was a mess. And his pacifier rolled over to the next line of passengers waiting to board the plane. Keegan asked a man to pick up the pacifier. He bent over and picked it up. It was all nasty and covered in spit up. yuck. Of course, this was the only person boarding the plane with one of those medical type masks on. Total germ-o-phobe and he's the one that picks up the pacifier! I'm sure he was utterly disgusted. I was quite disgusted myself. Then, once Keegan got on the plane we waited. And Benjamin notices this guy with the "germ mask" and says "Mommy, a doctor". I wanted to laugh and crawl under a chair all at the same time. So, I said "Yes, it's like what a doctor wears. To keep away germs." That seemed to be enough. Although, after the man boarded the plane he asked "Where'd the doctor go?" "On the plane like your cousin, Keegan." was my response.

When we got home tonight, Benjamin really got Samuel laughing. He was just laughing at him and making a tickling gesture. It was the cutest thing. They were just laughing back and forth with each other. I loved it. It made me cry. These are the things I wish we could share with you, Daddy-O. It's the little things.

Don called last night. We talked a bit. It had been a few days since he called. But I guess I ought to start getting used to that. He has been working long hours. If you have e-mailed him and he hasn't responded that is why. I guess it is good they are keeping him busy. He says time is really flying by. He should be headed out sometime next week. Please keep praying for him and for the boys and I. We really do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.


Boomer said...

Chapmans...how is everyone today? Hopefully the kids arent sunburn from playing in the pool...Everyone back here in Warrensburg is fine, at least for the Fords....Cant beleive how big Samual is...holy cow what are you feeding those kids...Tell Ben that I cant wait to tackle him and rough him up a little....kick the dogs for me, lol....cant write long I am at work, pretty cool site...Tell Don we are thinking of him and hope his trip is a quick one....Way to go Ben on the potty training!!!!!!!! Well got to go....

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue! My mom sent me the link to your blog, so I thought I would leave you a comment. She had mentioned that Don was being deployed, I had no idea so soon though. I am teaching summer school this summer, but other than that I am just hanging around Gainesville. If you need anything just give me a call or drop me an email. I would more than happy to lend a helping hand, watch the boys if ya need me to, or just swing by for some company. My boyfriend Paul is also a mechanic and quite the handy man if you need anything done around the house or with your cars while Don is gone, I will gladly volunteer his services. By the way, I love your pictures from Great Falls! I miss going over there, it is one of Otis's favorite places to go hiking! I hope all is well! Please call if you need anything!