Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Don Arrived in Germany

Don called me this morning while I was at work. He was at an airport in Germany. He sounded good. It was so good to hear his voice. He had called yesterday from the airport in Washington state but we were out with some friends at a playground and missed the call.

He said they had a good trip over and he watched a couple of movies en route. The officers got to sit in first class and he said it was nice and roomie. The first time he's ever flown first class. But of course it was a chartered flight so the extent of his first class experience was the extra space. He was using his credit card to call because his calling card wouldn't work from there. I'm sure it cost a pretty dollar but it was worth it just to hear his voice.

The boys and I are doing good. Benjamin played at a playground for 2 hours yesterday without going potty! I was so excited. Then we stopped at the port-o-potty on the way back to the car. ugh. The dreaded port-o-potty. 2 year olds love to touch everything and have about a gazillion questions. So, he sat right up there and admired other's evidence that the potty had been well used. Then as he was looking into the murky waters below he asked, "Is that a seal?" I was a lil distracted at the time and didn't even realize how funny that question was until today. He also asked if he could flush. No, no flushing.

Samuel started eating spoon fed cereal and is doing great! He loves it. Craves it. Would probably eat the entire box in one sitting if I let him (maybe not quite but he does devour it!).
Last night I checked on Samuel as I always do before I go to bed. He stirred a bit then I saw him reach around (with his eyes still closed) until he found his pacifier. Then he stuck his finger in the middle (he uses these ugly soothie pacifiers that the hospitals use) and he then plopped it in his mouth. His coordination amazed me. He looked like he had done this a hundred times before. Who knows...maybe he has done it before??? hmm.

I received a call tonight that my step-dad, Harry is in the hospital. He had a severe asthma attack today and was having problems breathing. He will be there overnight. It's hard to be away from family when things like these come up. I want to be there. I don't know what I could do but I always feel a world away when something goes wrong. So, I will pray for Harry from here.

I will also continue to pray for my friend, Kelli, and her family in Memphis. Her mother is ill and I know each and every day is presenting a new challenge for them. Hang in there, Kelli, the good lord is watching over you and your mom.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and sharing all the fond (and maybe not so fond) memories of Don. I'm sure he will be surprised when he sees it. If you haven't left a message yet...please do so!

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