Friday, July 6, 2007

A Day at Home

Not too much to report here today. Talked to Don this evening but we got cut short due to a bit of a poopy emergency on Benjamin's part. Let's just say he ended up in the bathtub while I scrubbed the rest of the bathroom down.

At least Don and Benjamin got to talk to one another before all this happened. Benjamin told Daddy about playing outside today and about the fireworks he saw on the 4th of July. He told Daddy he was "scared". And that was a pretty accurate account even though we were just a neighbors watching some lil fireworks...that was enough for him!!!
Don asked me to put the phone up to Samuel's ear too. He seemed pretty intent on listening to what his daddy had to say. He loves to hear his Daddy's voice on his "Build a Bear" Bear. If he is unhappy and I press one of the bears' paws (which activates Daddy's messages to him) he totally calms down and listens. It's really cute!

We had a beautiful day here today. Not too miserably hot. I filled up the baby pool for Benjamin and he had a blast in our backyard this morning.
We received the free Sesame Street DVD that I ordered which is about parent's being deployed (sponsored by Wal-mart). Benjamin watched it and it seemed to have some really good messages about dealing with daddy being gone (on his level). A couple of cute songs too. I'm sure we'll be watching it over and over.
Our nephew Keegan arrives tomorrow morning and we're all looking forward to his visit!

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