Saturday, July 14, 2007

Signing the Blues

I can hardly even believe what just happened.

We went to Maggie Moos tonight for ice cream and, of course, Benjamin had to order the bright blue cotton candy ice cream that turns his mouth (and just about every other kid's mouth that enters Maggie Moos) completely blue. Then we walked down to the nearby fountain to enjoy our ice cream. Benjamin finished his ice cream and was off to run around the fountain which has about a 1 1/2 foot ledge around it. Big fun. All the kids do it. (I know, if all the kids were jumping off a bridge would I let my kid?) My neighbor, Katie, and nephew, Keegan were with us as well and I commented what a redneck my son looked like with his bright blue mouth and trusty Go Diego Go shirt on (his favorite...thank you O'Neills!). A lot of the other kids playing were dressed quite nicely because there are lots of restaurants there as well. Benjamin on the other hand is very opinionated on what he'd like to wear daily. (And if it were up to him he would live in his army pajamas! But the Diego shirt is one of the few tools I use for getting the pjs off and the clothes on!) Anyways, Benjamin ran around and around the fountain like he always does. Big fun! Then he ran over by us and accidentally ran into our stroller. He was looking the opposite way and just kinda bam hit it before I knew it. Ouch. But he was fine and off to running around the fountain once again. I mentioned to Keegan and Katie that I thought he was going to fall into that fountain one of these days...little did I know that TODAY was that day! Kerplunk. He was in. Up to his neck in water. Shoes and all. I ran over and scooped him up. He was crying and dripping wet blue mouth and all. So, off to the car we went. I stripped him down...and thanks to potty training had an extra pair of Go Diego Go underwear with, he rode home in his underwear with a baby blanket on his lap.

Oh well, we all got more than we bargained for on that outing. We came home and he was off to bed. We talked about the fountain incident a bit and I think he will be weary about approaching it next time. We shall see.

The boys, Keegan and I went into the district this morning. We spend about 3 hours downtown. It was a beautiful day. We saw the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument (although we did not go up in the Washington Monument). All were well behaved and Keegan was very helpful. My boys and I all took naps when we returned. Quite an accomplishment.

No potty accidents today! Phew!!! He went on two big potty's while we were in D.C. We're making huge progress there.

Hoping Don will call tonight.

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