Monday, July 30, 2007

My Lil Knights

Yesterday was a good day but today I am happy to be back at work. Some days it's definitely nice to escape!

We got up and went to Sunday School and church. I talked Benjamin into wearing a shirt with buttons on it by telling him he could pick out his clothes when we got home from church. He has this aversion to any shirts with buttons. I don't know what it is but it's so annoying. He throws a fit, cries and hides when it's time to put a shirt on with buttons. Any type of buttons. This photo of our boys was taken after church, right before Benjamin declared that he was going to go pick out his pajamies. He took off his church clothes at lunchtime and remained in his pajamas the rest of the day! That's our pajama boy.

One of the finer things about Sunday is that I get to be called a "princess". Benjamin thinks I'm a princess. And he loves to tell me so. "Mommy, you're a princess." Some of Daddy-O's charming personality must have rubbed off. When I changed after church yesterday he noticed and told me, "Mommy, put your princess clothes back on."

Let me also note that he often says he's a princess. I correct him and tell him he can be a prince or a knight but boys cannot be princesses. I don't know if he quite understands that yet. But he is one of my lil knights in shinning armor!

Benjamin was really fascinated when I was painting my toenails Saturday morning and wanted his painted too. Don't fret, Daddy-O! I drew the line. He does not have pink toenails to date although that really would have made his day.

Harry is still in the hospital. No word of when he will be released (as of this morning anyways). His pneumonia has not resolved itself and he is still running a low grade temp off and on. This has affected his oxygen level, his breathing and also his heartbeat. Three doctors are trying to come up with solutions. Any exertion on his part sends his heartbeat upward, and every evening he seems to run a temp. So, hopefully the doctors will figure out what is going on soon so he can start to feel better.

Don has e-mailed a few times. Apparently, he is limited to about 30 minutes of Internet time per day. So, he cc:'s me on a lot of messages he sends out. That way he doesn't have to repeat things to me and I know what's going on with him.

Yesterday he sent a message that said:

"I am in Kuwait currently out in the middle of nowhere. The Kuwait-ies don't even live out here. Email access is limited both in opportunity and time allotted so I am not online often or long.

It was 121 degrees with a rumored heat index of 135 yesterday. All I know is that it was very hot."

In a separate e-mail, Don also said:

"I don't have a lot of access time to an Internet capable computer. None in our sleep tent. There is an MWR trailer, but time slots are 30 minutes.

I am in the TOC right now with only two computers and 15 people working at various parts of the day. Not too busy, just competition for time."

Then today we crossed paths online for a lil while. It was great! At lunchtime I sent him a couple of e-mails and he responded almost immediately. Cool.

He hopes to share some photos once he gets to Iraq.


Anonymous said...

Sing this in your potty song tune. You did it! You did it! You really really did it! You got him in a button shirt, way to go! You got to love that song. They are so cute in their matching shirts.

It is so good to here you get air in your sleeping tents. How are you holding up during the day?

Take care.
Love and prayers

Anonymous said...

Hi Don Just a note to say Thanks for your prayers for Harry. He seems to be doing better today. Also our Cardiologist returned from his vacation today and that helped. He told Harry this morning that he was going to get him well and out of the hospital soon. Keep safe. Love and prayers Pat