Friday, July 13, 2007

Those lil' Buggers

Well, I've come to the conclusion that Benjamin has been wrecking havoc due to the fact that he has two honkin' big teeth coming in on the bottom. Those lil buggers are causing a bit of misery on us all. Today was an extreme case of the "terrible twos". ugh. Benjamin was not a force to be reckoned with. When he got out of the bathtub I wrapped him up in the crocodile towel and he snuggled up tight on my lap and said "I'm crabby." I don't think I had said that to him but it's funny that he came up with that conclusion on his own. hmm.

Benjamin did a pretty good job on the potty today. He went #2 three times today before his afternoon nap! Quite an accomplishment in my book. But this afternoon he managed to have an accident at the playground (which I blame myself know, this is training me as much as it is him at this point...and sometimes I forget too!). So, we all came home from the playground for a quick change then went back.

Samuel had his first ride in the swing at the playground and loved it!!! Smiles from ear to ear. Gotta love that. Now that he's finally on Zantac I think he will be smiley guy #2...following right in his brother's footsteps with a perty contagious smile of his own. Samuel turned 5 months old today! That time has really flown by.

Cousin, Keegan, took Benjamin for a bike ride this afternoon too. Benjamin and Keegan had an absolute ball while I was a nervous wreck. I just find it a lil challenging to ride the bike with the extra weight in back myself...but Keegan handled it like a champ.

Last time I talked to Don he sounded good. I think he's getting anxious to deploy so he can start counting days already. The sooner he goes...the sooner he returns. And we're all looking forward to that day.

Some of you reading this blog had lots of questions and some didn't even know he was going until I e-mailed the blog out... so let me answer a few questions here:
Don will be deploying with a medical unit from Ft. Lewis, Washington (state). He will be deployed about 15 months (plus the month he is there now and maybe some time when he returns too). He should get two weeks R&R about mid-tour and be able to come home (no guarantees). He will be working on a hospital construction project at the Bagdag Airport base. He should deploy sometime before the end of this month from Ft. Lewis. We will not see him again until he comes home for R&R.

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