Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update on Don

Received an e-mail from Don today. He made it to Kuwait and will be there to acclimate for a few days.

This is what he had to say:

"It is morning here and we have had breakfast and walked around a little. It is getting very hot very quickly. It was 96 degrees at midnight last night and it's well on its way to probably a high of 120 something today. And it is just now 0800. Anyways we are probably going to go back to the sleep tent and take a nap. Nothing really scheduled till tomorrow."

I was glad to hear they were there and that he obviously will have e-mail access for a few days!


Anonymous said...

Glad to know that they got there safely. Hope the rest of the trip goes as safely also!

Thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Don and the boys. I am sorry I missed you my last visit. I figured you were really busy with Don leaving and all. I will be back out that way again. I will be sure to stop by and see you.

My prayers and thoughts are with you all. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey Donny,
Happy 37th birthday. Too bad you weren't around to celebrate with the Connollys, but glad you made it to Iraq safely. Sue told about the first night the two of you met and I also have a similiar story, but it has to do with coffee very early in the morning many, many years ago. The thing I learned early in our relationship was that you DO NOT LIKE SWEET IN LOW in your coffee. I also remember Klif and I being stranded at O'hare airport the day before your wedding because somebody decided not to come and pick us up. Thanks for coming to the rescue Sue. There are probably a few Washington D.C. stories that could also be told, but I will plead the fifth. One of the best days for me was when you and Sue decided to buy a house in Ashburn instead of closer into D.C. The last 4+ years we have gone from no kids to 2 kids each and what a ride it has been. It has been great to see the maturation of Don Chapman. From those days in the early 90s till the summer of 2007 you have evolved into quite a respectable young man. "they say that behind every great man is a great woman", so I am sure Sue might have had something to do with that. :-) Good luck in Iraq, we will be praying for your safety and safe return!!!
David Connolly