Sunday, July 8, 2007

Singing Praises this Sunday

So much to be thankful for today!

Big and little things...but all big blessings in our world:

  1. Benjamin slept until 7 a.m. today. (That just doesn't happen in this house! Usually, Samuel will sleep until 8 a.m. but not Benjamin).

  2. Our nephew Keegan is visiting from Illinois. He is so helpful and he and Benjamin adore each other and really play great together.

  3. Benjamin went #2 on the potty twice by 1 p.m. today! No accidents in two days. Yipee!!!

  4. Samuel has been a great baby. The Zantac seems to be making a world of difference. He still spits up but he is really a happy boy these days!

  5. Samuel is days away from crawling. He can really scoot across that crib! Up on all fours!

  6. The lord has truly blessed us with a wonderful family. We miss you, Don but we love you and know that this time apart will just bring us closer together!

This morning, Benjamin came running into my room at 7 a.m. and climbed in bed with me. He told me that Daddy was sleeping at the "Army's house". Something we really hadn't talked about but apparently he has figured out on his own. I reassured him that he is sleeping at the "Army's house" and that there are other daddies that work for the army there too.


Anonymous said...

Don, Sue, Benjamin and Baby Samuel,

David, Brooke, Reed and I are thinking about you. Don - we wish we could have gotten together before you deployed. We miss you and look forward to your message postings.

Benjamin congratulations on #2. Brooke has only done #2 once. Brooke started her new daycare today. She was nervous and a little bit scared.

Sue - let's plan a play date to get the kids together. Let's also plan on a luncheon.

Don/Sue - We are so proud and blessed to be your friends. Please call upon us for anything.

Love, Nelly, David, Brooke and Reed.

Anonymous said...

I love and miss you come back soon please!

P.S. I wrote this all by my self!