Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another Sunday

Our day began at 5:30 a.m. today. Much too early for me after talking to Don until 11:45 p.m. last night. Samuel woke up early today but went back to sleep until 9 a.m. after a feeding. Benjamin, on the other hand, went back to bed at 5:30 a.m. but only for about 20 minutes before he was up for the day. ugh.

The dream I was having when I was awoken this morning was so bizarre. I was in some kind of combat zone. Don was there too. But it was kind of like a dorm setting. There were a bunch of people there and we were all in one lil dorm room. I won't bore you with details but it was just weird and I woke up thinking "what the heck was that all about?"

The boys and I went to church this morning and I reckon the volunteers in the nursery should be dwindling now. Samuel spit up all over one and Benjamin had a poopy accident. (But he did #2 in the potty two other times today! A victory in itself). I was pretty proud of myself though because I made it to both Sunday school and church. It was my first Sunday in church by myself since Don's been gone (since I've had all the company). I really missed having him next to me. I'm sure it will take some to getting use to that. It's great going to church. It really gives me something to look forward to all weekend. And when we get up at the crack of dawn it's really not that hard to get everyone ready and out the door.

When we came home from church today we all took a nap. I really needed that. Then we went up to the pool.

Like I mentioned above, Don called last night. It was great talking to him. It's a lot easier to talk to him when the kids are in bed. He called again tonight but it was the boys' bedtime and I was dealing with two difficult ones. But Don got to talk to Benjamin so that was nice. Benjamin brought up the fountain incident and told Daddy-O how he fell in the fountain and that blue ice cream is his favorite. We also sang happy birthday to Daddy since tomorrow is his big day and I'm not sure if or when we'll talk to him tomorrow.

The stuff Benjamin remembers is funny. We saw a VW bus the other day and he said "Look! It's like Fillmore." (For all of you that don't know, Fillmore is the VW bus from the Disney Cars movie). It was funny because it was not a total hippy looking VW bus like the Fillmore character is. It was a more modern one but he recognized it as being the same. Then today, we were walking up to the pool and he said "Look, Mommy! There's a car like Sally!" (Once again, from Cars, Sally is the Porsche). And, sure enough, there was a Porsche. But the funny thing was this Porsche was an SUV and the one in the movie is a lil sports car type. Then Benjamin was more specific "The car has eyes just like Sally!" He was amazed. And so was I (only I was amazed at him, of course, everyone things their kids are the most brilliant!). The "eyes" he was referring to were the cars headlights which did resemble Sally's, of course.

I think this boy is going to be much better about recognizing cars than his daddy! Benjamin has had some kind of obsession with wheels and vehicles since before he could even talk. Don is so NOT into cars. Unless it's a Mustang...then he can spot one a mile away. I don't know how many times we haven driven through the Ford dealership's parking lot to get a good look at the Mustangs they have in stock at any given time. And he will actually stop the TIVO to watch a commercial for the new Mustangs. Which just reminded me of yet another Benjamin related car story that happened today. When we got to church another vehicle pulled up and it just happened to be a Mustang. Of course, Benjamin being of the same bloodline as his father noticed this. And he said "Like the commercial." You have forever scarred our son, Daddy-O!

Well, this ought to be a very busy week for Don. Soon we will be able to start out countdown as we already look forward to his return. Please remember him in your prayers.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Don! I know its not fun being away, I spent a few OCONUS. Wanted to wish you one anyways. Sounds like Sue is doing Ok with the kids. We spoke with her the other night and plan on sending a co-driver out to her for the drive home for the holidays...I know a litter early planning but we figured we could start looking at air fares now to get a good rate. Not sure who will go but we plan on having someone make the round trip with her providing her plans agree. Well back to work, keep busy and time will fly! We are all proud of both you and Sue for doing your part for the "team", country and our way of life.


Anonymous said...


We will forward a gift after you have gotten in country. You are constantly in our prayers.

Love Tim, Caris, Evan, and Ian