Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday, Saturday, Sunday...

We've had a somewhat busy but good weekend. Friday, after I got off work, I went over to Dennis and Natalie's and stayed for a cookout. It was a gorgeous day and a great way to wrap up the week. The kids had a ball and it was nice to spend time with adults at dinner time! However, it did make for another late night for the boys.
Saturday proved to be another beautiful day. Benjamin had been invited to a birthday party for a girl in his preschool. So, I had my helper come and babysit Samuel while I took Benjamin to the party. They had a huge moonbounce in their front yard and the kids had a great time. It was about 82 degrees out and Benjamin was a sweat ball from head to toe.

After we took the sitter home, the boys and I stopped at the library. We had a bunch of over due books (oops) and picked out a bunch of new ones. We LOVE the library and we LOVE books! Although sometimes we find it hard to part with some of the ones we become really fond of. As Benjamin returns them into the return slot he says goodbye to each and every book. I think it's so cute because by the time we return the books he knows the title of each book by heart.

I was exhausted last night and put the kids to bed a little early. We read all of the new and exciting library books before bed then I curled up with a book and found myself dozing off at 8:30 p.m. So, I went to bed. I actually woke up before the kids this morning and felt pretty refreshed for once. I guess that's what happens when you go to bed at 8:30 on a Saturday night!
This morning we went to church. We have been going to Heritage Baptist Church, here in Ashburn, for about 5 years or so. Today was the first time Benjamin ever witnessed a baptism and boy was he full of questions! Benjamin pipped up a few times "Why is Pastor in the water?" "I don't want to do that, Mommy." as well as a few other comments. I know I hushed him more than once during the moments the baptisms were going on. Once we got in the car, I tried to explain (in 3 year old terms) what a baptism meant. He held his opinion that he would never do that. hmmm.

I just love his innocence. Tonight at dinner we prayed then he said, "Mommy, what is Jesus' name?"

A couple of weeks ago after we read his children's daily devotional (that he received from Uncle Tim, Aunt Caris and their boys for Christmas) he declared that he didn't "want to go live with Jesus in the mansion in the sky". Then he went on to tell me that I could go but he didn't want to because Jesus has a beard. And, for those of you who have been keeping up with my blog, you know that Benjamin doesn't much care for beards. That was an interesting conversation.

This afternoon we ventured out to Target then we stopped at Moe's for dinner. Luckily when we got there the place was pretty empty. But as I paid and the lady put my food on two trays I realized that I was going to have trouble with Samuel in my arms and a diaper bag and purse slung over my shoulder getting that food to the table. It is a rare occasion that I actually stop and spontaneously take the boys out to dinner by myself. And this is why! I always find myself a little short handed. Literally. Luckily God had sent me a lil angel and a lady came up to the register at that moment (while I was paying) to ask if chips came with her food. Anyways, I was asking if they could fit the food on one tray and the lady offered to take the trays to a table for me. I know it was no grand gesture but at the time it seemed like a total life saver. Sometimes it is just the little things that people do that really make a world of difference (at that moment in time). I was very thankful to her. We sat down and enjoyed a yummy dinner. Benjamin loves those quesadillas and Samuel loves the chicken tacos! I just love not having to cook. The boys were very well behaved which made the outing even better.

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