Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have a bunch of blog entries floating around in my head but haven’t made the time to actually sit down and make one. Until now that is.

Last week amidst all the fun times we had going the parks and enjoying all the gorgeous weather I had a bit of mishap. The boys and I met Nelly and her kids for dinner at California Tortilla then the kids enjoyed some time at a play area. It was a good night and Benjamin actually did pretty well listening to me.

Then we got in the car to go and this is when the dreaded accident occurred. Just a lil bump but still a wound to an otherwise pretty perfect outing.

So, how does one break it to their husband that they did something totally stupid? It’s bad enough when you have to fess up to those things over the phone or face-to-face but by e-mail. Ugh. Well, here is what my e-mail to Don said that night:

"Okay, we just got home from dinner with Nelly and the kids. We had a great time and Benjamin was a surprisingly good listener (something he has not been lately).

Then we got in the car to go home. As we backed out of our parking spot Benjamin started to fuss about a spider in his window. So, I was trying to figure out if it was on the inside or outside. Then I rolled his window up then back down. The car started to beep to signal something in the way behind the car. But before I knew it, I had backed into a fire hydrant. Ouch. It was one of those moments in life that you just wanted to rewind 20 seconds and redo. I couldn't even believe it myself. (I'm sure this was somewhat how you felt as you backed into Dale's* car).

Somehow the spider on Benjamin's window quickly became so insignificant. I got out and took a look and there is a pretty good dent. Once we were home, I took some photos which I will attach.

The entire ride home from the Wegman's plaza area (where we had dinner) I was so annoyed with myself. I relived every second of the episode. Then I started to put it in perspective and I decided a lot worse things could have happened in life. I guess I was just due for a lil bump in my road (literally).

Well, Benjamin is back out of bed saying he has to go potty.

Love you,

And to my surprise his only comment back was “What did Benjamin say about the back bumper?"

Phew. Survived the dreaded confession of being a slacker in the parking lot. Now I just have to find the time to get my lil mess cleaned up because the sad bumper I have is just a constant remind of how absent minded I can get.
*Dale is our neighbor. The husband of our wonderful neighbor Katie who spoils us. He called Don "Crash" for awhile after the incident but it certainly didn't ruin our relationship with our wonderful neighbors.

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