Monday, April 7, 2008

Moon Sand and Other Stuff

Today was a busy but productive day. And, after several missed calls over the past few days, finally talked to Don (twice actually!). Don called while Benjamin was at preschool and we talked for awhile. It was nice to just hear his voice (as usual). Sometimes we have e-mailed so frequently during the week that there isn't anything new to really say but it's just nice to hear each other's voices and even though our house is sometimes a lil crazy, I'm sure it is nice for him to hear all that's going on here... the kids playing, crying, laughing, dogs barking, etc.

Samuel took a great morning nap today which I actually had to wake him up from in order to go pick Benjamin up from preschool. During Samuel's nap I was able to get somethings accomplished in our yard. Finally! I did a clean sweep of the lovely land mines the dogs have left over a period of some time and then I tackeled getting all the leaves and debris that was in our side yard cleaned up. It was an undertaking I've been dreading but needing to do. It's hard to believe we only have one tree in our yard with the amount of leaves that blow into our yard from the common areas. I filled one huge bag full of yard waste (and when I say "huge" I mean it. This bag was industrial size and probably 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide).

The boys and I had a nice afternoon and Samuel took another decent nap! Phew! I am experimenting with the idea of Benjamin giving up his naps from time to time and today was a napless day which makes bedtime a cinch (although he had a bit of a meltdown tonight before bedtime; he hasn't gotten out of bed once!). Daddy-O called and talked to Benjamin and he was so excited to talk to him. It's so cute to see him actually hold a conversation and sing to Daddy-O. I love it! (and I'm sure Don does too).

Benjamin has totally been into arts and craft projects and today was no exception. Actually I cannot really remember a day in the very recent past that he hasn't painted, colored or something of the sort. Today we played a board game, colored with crayons and then markers and eventually brought out the "Moon Sand". Benjamin had received this Moon Sand as a gift awhile back and today it finally made it's debut at our house. Not sure how soon it will return for another round. It was a huge mess. My helper arrived just about the time we were getting it out and they stayed very entertained with it for at least a good hour. I put the Moon Sand on cookie sheets but it still was everywhere. This stuff is like a combination of play dough and sand. It would be more appealing if it wasn't so sandy! It just ended up all over the place and stuck to Benjamin's clothes. He had to change from top to bottom after that. (I would highly NOT recommend the Moon Sand! Although he was highly entertained with it.) Next time it will be an outdoor project!

After accomplishing so much this morning I didn't have too many things to tackle with my helper there. So, I took the dogs for a good walk then we headed out to the new "Red Robin" hamburger restaurant which is close to our house. We enjoyed a good meal then we dropped our helper off.

When we returned home the boys both went to sleep pretty easily. Ah. Another day done. And with every passing day, one day closer to the return of Daddy-O! 6 more months! I don't remember looking forward to something more than that day in my entire life. Seriously.

(The photos of the boys posted here were taken yesterday after church).

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