Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And on that Farm...

Today was a busy day!

We went on a field trip with Benjamin's preschool class to Temple Hall Farm in Leesburg, Virginia (which is actually a regional park). We enjoyed seeing lots of farm animals... pigs, sheep, cows, horses, ponies, turkeys, chickens, peacocks, etc. Benjamin's highlight was the horses. He loved picking the grass and feeding it to the horses. His low point of the outing was being pecked by a turkey. He exclaimed "OUCH!" but otherwise was fine. No tears, no drama, and no more fingers behind the wires (where they weren't supposed to be). This wasn't a petting zoo it was a farm that's part of the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority. They had newborn calves and piglets that were oh so adorable.

They also had a nice play area which was a big hit with all the kids and Samuel loved going down the slides. He also has some weird fascination with mulch lately. He picks it up and wants to throw it. He has a pretty good arm so I really have to watch him close with that mulch.

On the way home from the farm Samuel fell asleep and Benjamin looked exhausted. Samuel continued to nap for a bit once we arrived home. So, after lunch Benjamin took a good nap and I laid down for a brief nap too until Samuel woke up.

It was a gorgeous day today so we spent a lot of time outside this afternoon. The water table is a big hit and both boys enjoy splashing around in it. We took a walk outside and spent a little time at the playground nearby before we headed back in for dinner. After dinner I decided we better make a trip to the grocery store or we would probably run out of milk tomorrow and there were plenty of other odds and ends we needed anyways.

Benjamin LOVES a trip to the local Harris Teeter grocery store so he was pretty excited. Boy does that store know how to entice a kid. He pushed a kids' sized cart around the store and was pretty helpful. The boys got free cookies and balloons as we left the store and headed for home. Just in time for bath time. Only they were both so thrilled with their balloons that I couldn't cut into their play time for bath right away so I watched them dance around with the balloons. If you want to see happiness and excitement just give Samuel and balloon. The world is a happy place when Samuel has his balloon.

Well, I still have laundry and dishes to finish up along with about a gazillion other things I should do as well so I better end this post now.
(Please remember to click on the photos if you'd like to see them bigger.)

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