Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Today was a fun-filled day! It was a little chilly this morning but proved to be a beautiful spring day and our cherry tree is almost in full bloom! Benjamin has been admiring it daily as it has slowly been turning more colorful. If I could just get him to hold still long enough to get a good photo of him in front of it (maybe tomorrow). He is really appreciated all that nature has to offer these days and the signs of spring have all been so exciting to him this year. He has taken notice of the grass turning green, daffodils and crocus blooming, buds on trees, etc. It's so fun to see him re-discover all God has put on this earth.

Well, we met Nelly and her kids at a consignment sale at 9:30 a.m. I LOVE the consignment sales and there are usually about 3 big ones each spring and fall. Last year I managed to make it to one with the kids in a double stroller so I decided to try it again. We were there for almost an hour and they all did great! The sale, however, was a little disappointing. I only bought two things. I'm not sure if the selection of things are going down hill at these sales or just the fact that we have so much now that I'm more selective. It's still fun to go!

After that we all headed to the mall. Nelly and I each had our missions. Mine was to get the kids their summer crocks (or imitation crocks anyways). (If you're not familiar with "crocks" they are these plastic rubbery sandal type shoes that even my fat footed boys can wear!) On the way to the mall I asked Benjamin what kind of crocks he really wanted and without even seeing them at the store he declared he wanted "blue and white with all the colors". That typically describes everything the child wants if given a choice. He will be the first to tell you that his favorite colors are "blue and white." Well, Payless Shoes just happened to have blue crocks that have like a tie-dye look to them. Very colorful. Not my top choice but he loved them. Samuel ended up getting the same ones as well. I'm sure you will see photos with the boys wearing them in many blog posts to come.

Our trip to the mall was an overall success. The kids were all well behaved and they enjoyed time at the play area there, lunch, cookies as well as a ride on the carousel. As we left, before I could even pull out of my parking spot, Samuel was asleep. We were all a lil tired. So we went home and all took a much needed nap.
Don called twice while we were out. We were bummed to have missed his calls but hopefully he will call again tomorrow.

This afternoon we enjoyed some outdoor time at our local playground and basketball court. The weather was beautiful and both boys enjoyed running around, swinging on the swings, etc.

I think the fresh air did them some good because they both seemed pretty tuckered out tonight.

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