Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Another busy but beautiful day. It was in the 60s today and just gorgeous out. So, much of my day was spent outside. As I put the boys to bed tonight I wasn't sure who was more tuckered out... them or me.

While Benjamin was a preschool this morning Samuel and I ran to Target then I tackled some yard work while Samuel slept. The drought we had last summer really did a number on our yard not to mention the fact that our dogs are not walked as often as they had been before Don deployed so they have carved a distinct path of dirt/mud along the fence line. ugh. So, after weed whacking I planted some grass seed and hopefully I can stick to it and get some to actually grow (this is usually Don's department so I hope I can make him proud here).

Benjamin had a napless day and we enjoyed some time outside while Samuel took an afternoon nap. He played in the new water table. And he loved watering my grass seed and everything else in the backyard. Then we planted a few flower seeds in a flower box. Hopefully they'll take and he'll be excited to see them come up (as will I).

Samuel has recently discovered that he can now climb onto the kids' activity table we have in our front window. It is right in front of our picture window and he totally acts like he is on stage as soon as he gets up there. The problem is, cute as it may be, that it's really not the safest thing for him to be dancing around on. So, I find myself constantly after him about getting down. I can't remember what age that they actually start to listen but I hope it's soon! I snapped a couple of pictures of him up there before I removed him from the table... again... and again... and again. ugh.

Samuel is quite the funny lil guy these days. Today when we picked Benjamin up from school Benjamin received his token sticker from his teachers for the day then they asked if Samuel wanted one. So, they placed a sticker of a baseball on his hand. He seemed rather indifferent about it and then at the end of the day I had him place it on Benjamin's Potty Poster (which is still up just because it gives us a great place to put stickers!). So a little while later, we were in the middle of our bedtime routine of reading books and Samuel was trying to open Benjamin's bedroom door and escape. He was making quite a racket about it so I eventually opened up the bedroom door. He immediately ran right into the kids' bathroom and found that sticker on the potty poster. It was so cute. He'd come back into Benjamin's room then run back to find his sticker. He did it a few times. He was so proud of "his sticker." Just like big brother.

I just had to post this picture of Benjamin looking too cool! He is living in this visor these days (which he rarely leaves the house without) and he's really been into trying on his sunglasses too.


Kelli said...

Hi Sue! I pop in and check your blog all the time, but i just had to leave a comment this time and tell you how adorable your big boys are! They are growing so fast! I LOVE the picture of Samuel dancing on the table!

- Kelli

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!
