Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Lil Country Time

Today seems like it was an incredibly long day and it's not even 9 p.m.

Benjamin woke up at 6 a.m. and had his first dry night since potty training has begun (actually, maybe in his life!). He had got up around 11 p.m. last night right after I checked in on him and went potty then went right back to bed. I was so proud of him for making it through the rest of the night. Who knows maybe our days of wearing pull ups at night will be over soon!

Samuel went to bed at 8 p.m. last night and slept until 8 a.m. today! He's my champion of night time sleep. So, the boys and I set sail this morning around 9 a.m. for a couple of garage sales and then the big Children's Consignment Sale. (For those of you that don't live around here. These consignment sales are huge. They are like very well organized garage sales and a portion of the money is donated to a charity or organization). This is my favorite consignment sale and I was happy I didn't miss it. Usually this kind of sale is best tackled without children so I was a lil anxious on how this might play out. But all went well. I put the boys in the double stroller and they did better than expected. I was hoping we would come home with some Halloween costumes but that didn't work out this time. Instead we ended up with a few nice sweaters and winter gear for both boys (but mostly for Samuel... unfortunately, their seasons of clothes aren't really matching up so some hand-me-downs from Benjamin haven't worked out).

While the boys and I were getting ready to check out of the consignment sale my cell phone rang and it was Don! So, we quickly made our way to the checkout and after explaining to him where we were I handed the phone to Benjamin while we finished up there. Don sounded good. He had spent the week in Kuwait and claims that he had mentioned this to me on the phone last Sunday. To his credit, he very well may have but sometimes with the boys monopolizing some of my time I end up half listening, I guess. Nonetheless it was great to hear from him. He said his roommate left to head back to the states and he bought his t.v., fridge and Internet antennae from him so he was happy about that. He said maybe he won't have to work such long hours since he has Internet in his "home" now. And perhaps he will be able to receive things online like video that I try to send and such. We shall see. (He may even be able to access this blog, which I actually e-mail to him after each post or comment).

After nap time today the boys and I headed out for a pig roast. A coworker of mine lives way out in the country on a farm and has these pig roasts about every year or so. I knew Benjamin would be thrilled to see the animals, tractor, barn, etc. so we were off! The drive was beautiful and I was pretty proud of myself for actually finding the place. (I'm including a small pic of what some of the countryside on the drive out there looked like). It's amazing to think that we're only about a half hour from this beautiful rural farm land (I'm sure much of this county was once like this really not that long ago). It was so nice how helpful all my coworkers were. Samuel is a great baby and didn't mind getting passed around a bit. Another coworker, Alex and his wife, Alicia, who have children basically the same age as mine kinda took Benjamin under their wing which was a huge help. He had a blast playing with their daughter, Katie. His highlight was riding their horse, Lady. He was beaming from ear to ear (He definitely does not get this from me. I think horses are beautiful creatures... from a distance. It all stems back to a horseback riding incident with my girl scout troop as a child but that's another story in itself). We stayed for about 2 hours and it was bedtime shortly after we got home.
Speaking of bedtime, I'm off to relax a bit before I collapse into our bed wondering what time my early bird will greet me in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey Benjamin, great job riding that horse. I'm so proud of you.Looks like you had a fun time at the farm. Love you Grandma and Papa Harry.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great way to spend the day! Getting the great deals in the morning, nap time, and going to what looks like a beautiful farm with horses, tractors and people to help watch your kids...woo hoo!!!