Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photos from Don

I received a few photos from Don today. The first that he's sent since his deployment.

Here's what he says about this one:
"Here are some pictures we took on 6 Oct. The 1SG built a grill out back and now we BBQ occasionally. The people are from my staff section. CW3 Cynthia Dunbar, me, MAJ John Lee, and CPT Jason Hughes. The concrete walls in the background you see are called T-walls and limit damage in case of a rocket attack."

And here is another photo that Don says:
"This is the tent that we spent two weeks when we first arrived in Kuwait. We had three different tents. This is right before we were getting ready to head to Iraq that evening. I am in the formation in the background to the right."

And here Don says:

"We are being cleared off the range after firing. The second picture I am just barely in, is a picture of my boss, MAJ Syvinski."

Last night I probably had the roughest night with Samuel so far. He was up about 3 times but as soon as he was changed and fed he went right back to sleep. We limited our activity today although we did make it to a craft show with our neighbor, Katie. And then we went out for ice cream which was Benjamin's idea. We hadn't been out for ice cream since the fountain incident so I guess we were due for a visit to Maggie Moo's. We all got naps today and Benjamin took about a 3 and a half hour nap... which was much needed after a couple of days of waking up at 5:15 a.m. (I wish I was the one who got the 3 hour nap! But Samuel didn't cooperate there).

Samuel is 8 months old today! He has turned out to be such a happy go lucky lil guy. He's a lil fussy right now because he's not feeling 100% but otherwise he rarely cries these days unless he's tired, hungry, needs a diaper change, or has taken a hard fall. He loves to laugh and he and his big brother find a lot to laugh about on a daily basis. They're really cute together.


NOTE: For those of you who haven't realized it, you can always click on a photo within the blog and it will go to it's highest resolution making the image bigger. I will try to post more pics from Don tomorrow.

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