Monday, October 22, 2007

Benjamin's First Trip to Chucky Cheese

We had a very busy weekend so tonight I will just make this post about our Friday evening and share some photos from our trip to Chucky Cheeses!

I picked the boys up at Rie's right around 5 p.m. and we had plans to meet Natalie, Dennis, Jack and Nicholas at Chucky Cheeses. We all got stuck in a bit of traffic (there was a car accident) and probably didn't get to Chucky Cheeses until almost 7 p.m.

Natalie had found an online coupon for pizza, 4 sodas, and 40 tokens for something like $18.99! Sweet. Dinner and entertainment and cheap! Benjamin has been asking to go to Chucky Cheeses for some time now. This was the boys first time there but Benjamin had seen plenty of commercials on t.v. for the place (those advertisers know what they're doing). In fact, last time we drove by there Benjamin said "Look! There's Chucky Cheeses." So, apparently they have great logo recognition since he cannot read and had never been there!

They had a great selection of things for kids their age to do. Lots of rides and games for a token each! And one of Jack and Benjamin's favorite attractions was this stage they could dance around on in front a blue screen that then put them dancing and acting silly onto a t.v. screen with stuff going on behind them. It was perfect for our two clowns!

All our kids were well behaved which made for an eventful but pleasant evening there.

We didn't leave Chucky Cheeses until after 8 p.m. which is after bedtime. So, the night ended up being rather hectic with one very overtired toddler on my hands. He didn't get to bed until after 9 p.m. which I was not excited about with the busy weekend we had ahead of us. Oh well, somehow we all survived!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like they had a great time!
Glad for that!

It has turned chilly here. Looks like it is still nice there.

Glad all is well!

Love you!
