Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is This Day Over Yet?

What a day it has been. Samuel was up for a good portion of the night last night. And amidst my thoughts during one of our awake stretches I thought I would take him to the ER first thing in the morning because I didn't think I could stand another night like this. He was awake several times but unlike other nights this time he did NOT want to go right back to sleep after being changed and fed. In fact, one time he only slept for about a half hour before he was up again. ugh. But this morning upon further investigation I realized he has one...most likely two teeth making their way in on the bottom. I don't recall Benjamin ever being this miserable but I guess every child is different. And I'm sure coupled with the fact that he has a terrible cough is not helping his restful hours.

Benjamin declared that he was awake around 5:45 a.m. I was exhausted and walked him back to his room and tucked him back in bed. Around 6:30 a.m. he announced that he read books and now he was coming to join me in my bed. ugh. His idea of snuggling is not very cozy, calm or relaxing. So, we were up and downstairs soon after.

Once I realized what was going on with Samuel I gave him some Tylenol and rubbed some Baby Orajel on his gums and he went back to sleep for about 2 hours. So, we missed Sunday school but made it to church. As one can imagine, I was irritable and a bit short with my patience this morning. When we were leaving for church I told Benjamin I was sad (he is learning about emotions and I figured this was one he could understand). And as we walked out the door he said "The sun will make you happy." It was just such a sweet sentiment. I love the optimism of the young mind. But just that statement made me happy. It was my "son" that made me happy not really the "sun" but just the same... I managed to smile, bags beneath my weary eyes and all.

After church I decided we'd swing by Taco Bell and pick up some lunch (Benjamin loves quesadillas these days). So, we stopped at the drive-thru then headed home. As we made our way into our neighborhood I heard Benjamin say "I'm sick. My tummy hurts." Then it happened. gag, ick, ick. It was quite a mess but pretty confined to his lap and his car seat. Nonetheless a mess for me to deal with.

Benjamin was a lil upset but said he felt better. He went upstairs and picked out some clothes. Nothing makes him feel better than his comfy ol Go Diego Go t-shirt and "blue" shorts (what he calls his denim shorts or pants). Then he asked to watch some t.v. which I thought was a good idea just in case he had the urge to be sick again. He was fine. I think it was all triggered by his cough (yes, he too has the nasty cough now).
We all napped today. Thank goodness. Or I too would probably be in bed already at this point in time. And as soon as we woke up from our nap the phone rang and it was Daddy-O! Yippee! Hooray. Since the boys and I were all still a lil groggy I was able to talk to Don for awhile without much interruption (a rarity when both boys are awake). He has his leave dates! Sweet. He will be home late November 15 and will return December 3 (I believe he said. Obviously, I'm more focused on the start of the leave vs. the end of the leave).

Once Benjamin realized who was on the phone it was just about ripped from my hands as his sweet voice said "Hi Daddy!"

Don was good but tired. He talked to his parents today which was really a first since he's been in Iraq. He'd left them messages but it was the first conversation they actually were able to have. So, I'm sure they all enjoyed that.

Here is an excerpt from an e-mail he sent this week that details what his weekends are basically like:

"Saturdays are pretty full of work related stuff. Sunday is somewhat of a half/relax day with about a half day + of work. I basically sleep in an extra hour then chapel from 0845-0945 work 1000-1700 pickup dinner and eat at bible study 1730-1825 and evening contemporary service at 1830-1945. Usually drop off my bible and go back to the dinning facility for fellowship and ice cream for about 20 minutes. I was reading my bible at home before bed. I am currently in Psalms 102. Haven't read much since my trip to Kuwait and I got back and took over my old roommates Internet. Been surfing the net and updating software all week."

Tonight the phone rang while I was reading the boys bedtime stories therefore I didn't get to it and let the machine get it. All of a sudden I hear howling. It was Campbell Dog. I have heard him whine before when he's heard Don's voice on the machine (even before his deployment) but never howl. It was so cute. I wonder if he does that when we're not home. hmm. Coincidentally, I just happen to take this photo of Campbell today. I think he looks like he's trying to be sexy here! Our dog the super model. Our dogs are going to be besides themselves with excitement when they see their Daddy again. I'm sure they are wondering "where the heck did he go?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sue its good to hear that Don is doing well and to see him in these pictures sure does make me proud of the work he is doing. Keep in mind that the work you do with the boys and the house and all is just as important and makes me so proud to say you are my "Army Sister". Without wonderful women like you toughing it out back home our way of life would not exist. I'm so so proud of you and the sacrifices you are making for our Country, our family and our way of life. We love you and pray for you and don and the boys daily.

Love Kenny