Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our Morning

1:20 a.m. - I awoke and realized the hallway light was on. So, I got up and saw that Benjamin's door was slightly open and the bathroom light was on as well. Upon further inspection I found Benjamin laying face down on the bathroom floor with his pajama shirt on and nothing else. Apparently, he had gotten up to go potty, took care of that then fell back to sleep on the bathroom floor without even putting his pullup or pajama pants back on. (No, I didn't take a picture! Sorry, you'll have to imagine the sight of him all snuggled up butt naked on the bathroom floor).

1:40 a.m. - I was barely back to sleep after getting Benjamin dressed and back to bed when Samuel started coughing. Poor lil guy. I realized he was not going to fall back asleep on his own as his cough continued. So, I got up and made him a bottle, changed him then snuggled back into our bed with him. He's just so sweet and snugly in the middle of the night (not a wiggle worm, like usual). After his bottle he snuggled right back into his crib.

5:55 a.m. - I awoke to Samuel coughing and jumped out of bed to grab a shower before he really woke up. (My alarm goes off at 6 a.m. on days that I work so this was only a few minutes earlier than usual). Samuel must have fallen back asleep. It was quiet when I got out of the shower.

6:30 a.m. - I was downstairs in the kitchen when I heard Benjamin up. "Mommy! You downstairs?" (He wakes up so happy and full of energy... which I love on days that I'm already awake but dread when I'm still in bed).

7 a.m. - Samuel woke up for the day.
7:30 a.m. - We're all dressed, diaper bag packed and we're out the door.

7:45 a.m. - Ms. Rie's house is quiet til we arrive. (Her boys actually sleep in the morning). We arrive and get situated at Ms. Rie's house. Both Benjamin and Samuel are energetic and ready to play, play, play.

8:02 a.m. - Arrive at work!

8:15 a.m. - Check my e-mail. Score!!! E-mail from Don. Sweet. It's gonna be a good day. We chit chat back and forth about about some pics of the boys I e-mailed him and about his upcoming leave. Where are we going to go? What are we going to do? So much to look forward to. We are going to treasure every minute of those 18 days.

It is a cool day. Finally! Fall is here (for now at least).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall is also here too! Actually quite chilly here. Actual football weather. Keegan played the whole game on Wednesday night. They won! I wish I could have seen Benj on the floor in the bathroom. It brings back so many memories. Also the cuddling in the "big bed". Can't seem to get the 13 year old to do that anymore.

Miss you guys!

Love you guys!
