Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Farms and Friends

After our eventful night at Chucky Cheese on Friday night you would think the boys would sleep in. No such luck! Well, unless sleeping til 6:30 a.m. is considered sleeping in. nahhh.

Saturday was our church's annual fall picnic at Great Country Farms out in Bluemont. It is an awesome place and a beautiful drive out in the country! I was thrilled to be going back (although the idea of going without Don wasn't as exciting). We invited our neighbors, Cheryl, Mike, Abby and Hannah to join us. Friday night I whipped up a batch of Grape Salad (recipe compliments of my sister-in-law, Nancy Duda). We were all set to head out and get there and stopped by our neighbors to see if they were set. They were running a lil behind so we were off with plans to meet up with them there. Our time was limited so I wanted to make the most of it by arriving early (the picnic started at 11 a.m.) We didn't actually get there until closer to 11:30 a.m. but it still worked out well. The boys both napped on the way there and I truly enjoyed the drive and awesome countryside. I was pleasantly surprised how much the trees are changing colors here even in the midst of our drought.

The boys and I explored the big slides, rope swings, inflatable moon bounce and a few animals. Someone from church tracked me down and offered to take Samuel off my hands for a bit which was nice. So, Benjamin and I headed back over to the moon bounce where we met up with Cheryl, Mike and the girls. The kids bounced for a bit then we headed over to ride in these barrels that they've made into a cow ride that a tractor pulls (it's quite fun for everyone!) And amazing how you can actually fit in one of these things!
Then it was time for lunch. Lots of great comments on the Grape Salad. Some of the ladies commented that they were hoping I'd make it again this year. It's a huge hit, Aunt Nancy Duda!

After lunch we had to cruise out of there in a hurry. My friend, Jill and her 2 year old daughter, Julia were on there way from Chicago. We were all so excited. But unfortunately, we were having too much fun at the farm and were a lil late picking up Jill and Julia.

On the way to the airport I told Benjamin he could say "Welcome to my house." and "Welcome to Virginia." to Julia and Aunt Jill and that would mean "we're glad you are here." Benjamin got really quiet. Then all of a sudden I heard him say "I want to say "Hi, I'm Benjamin.' I don't want to say 'Welcome to my house." It was really cute. He was really set on what he wanted to say. I told him that was a great idea.

Julia got right in the car. I picked her up and she wasn't shy one bit. phew. She's so stinkin cute. She and Benjamin sat next to each other in car seats. Benjamin said "Hi Julia." then as we drove away from the airport I heard him say "I'm Benjamin." The fun was only beginning!

It was close to 3 p.m. by the time we got home. Julia took a good nap while Benjamin refused to nap (apparently he thought his 20 minute nap on the way to the farm earlier was enough).

So, we had promised the kids a pajama party (kids love their pjs!). So, we got them in their pajamas, ordered pizza and watched some of the "Cars" movie and let the kids play. Shortly before bedtime they enjoyed some Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. We put candles in them and sang "Happy Pajama Party to you..." They totally dug that. Any excuse to sing and blow out a candle is a big hit at our house.

After we got the kids to bed that night, Jill and I stayed up and chit-chatted until almost midnight.
For those of you who don't know Jill, we have been good friends since we were 15 years old. After college, we lived together for about 4 years until Don and I got married (in fact, the night Don proposed to me I woke her up to tell her so she was the first to know!) and she was the Maid of Honor in our wedding.

Anyways, it was great catching up with her. When we visit Illinois it is difficult to really get quality time in with everyone we see so when people come to visit us it is such a special treat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The farm looks like a great place! And Benjamin sure looks like he had fun. Love the pic with him and the pony.

By the way.........what is this grape salad you are talking about, I have never had that!

Love you & MIss you!
