Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dr. Phil at 2 a.m.

Well loyal blog readers...sorry for the lack of posts lately but I have actually been getting a few things done around here! Nothing major just a few things that I've been meaning to get around to.

Jill and Julia went back to Illinois on Monday afternoon. And Tuesday morning when Benjamin woke up he asked where his friend Julia was. I reminded him that we took them to the airport and they went back to Illinois. The kids had such a blast together. And, of course, Jill and I had a great visit too.

This week has really gone by fast. Yesterday Benjamin had preschool and Samuel and I ran over to AC Moore (an awesome craft store like Michaels). Then we got back to school just in time to pick Benjamin up. His school pictures were ready! And I will post them here. He looks so grown up to me! It often amazes me that he's three years old already.

Well, it looks like Mr. Samuel Tommy is coming down with yet another cold of sorts. ugh. Will we ever make it through the season? He was up around 2 a.m. this morning at which point I was dreaming that I was on the Dr. Phil Show. Not sure exactly why I was there. I tried to return to the dream after tending to Samuel but it didn't work. Darn. We will never know why I was a guest on the Dr. Phil Show. This dream was probably due the fact that, thanks to TIVO, I watch too much of his show! (Sorry Don, this hasn't changed!). I think it is that Psychology minor of mine that really keeps my interest in this show. If I was in the medical field I'd want to be a Psychologist. Of course, that's one of the few medical professions I could handle because there wouldn't be much blood. Well, not today. I'll stick to being a Graphic Designer. I may not get paid anywhere close to a psychologist but I sure do have fun! For now I will just live vicariously through Dr. Phil.

Anyways, when I picked Samuel up tonight from Rie's his nose was running quite a bit. ugh. I gave him some Benadryl, a bath, and rubbed some Baby Vick's on him. He went right to sleep. He seemed exhausted and the Benadryl seemed to be drying his nose up a lil bit already. Hopefully we won't have a miserable night. We shall see. His bottom two teeth still have not popped all the way through. They are so close. Maybe tomorrow.

When we got home tonight there was a package on the porch from Grandma and Pappa Ideus. Lots of fun Halloween surprises. The package included a hat and apron (see photos), a coloring book, placemats, punching bags, etc. And the big hit was a harmonica. Only the dogs despised it. With every note Benjamin blew through the harmonica the dogs barked loudly and carried on. Unfortunately, I couldn't put them outside due to the rain. Yes rain! Finally. We had gone like 35 days without the wet stuff until Friday now it keeps coming... a slow and steady rain for the most part. We need it.

I forgot to mention in my earlier blogs that I did talk to Don this weekend. He called on Sunday. All is well with him and he is so looking forward to heading this way next month! And he talked to his parents again Sunday too. He's figured out how to call back to a military line stateside then be transferred from there. It's great and it's free!

Benjamin and I called my mother-in-law last night. Benjamin sang "You Are My Sunshine" to her and hopefully made her day. Unfortunately, chaos ensued and we weren't able to talk long but it sounds like she is doing well.

Well, I still have a few things to get done tonight so that's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Benjamin does look grown up. Keegan finally got his school pictures too! You should be receiving them soon! You and Dr. Phil, I would have never guessed. Hopefully Samuel's teeth will pop and make his nights better.

Love you & Miss you!
