Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy to You!

Today is my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom! It sounds like she had a fun-filled birthday with all my brother's and their families squished into their condo. When I initially told Benjamin that it was Grandma Pat's birthday today he was excited. He loves birthdays. But he also had the impression that we'd be going to her house for cake. Ah, not so easy. I explained to him that Grandma would be celebrating in Illinois and we wouldn't be able to make it this time. The boys and I did the best from here to help make her day special. We called her after we got home from church and since Benjamin didn't want to sing "Happy Birthday" I did a lovely solo then Benjamin belted out his best "Puff the Magic Dragon" especially for Grandma. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy it too (as any loving Grandma would, of course). And Samuel gave her a few lil words of endearment (I guess, you could say that anyways) and then he accidentally hung up on her (oops. Next year, hopefully, he'll do better).

My mom has always been such a strength and support throughout my life but I know having her in my life right now has truly been a blessing. There rarely has been a day since Don deployed that my mom and I haven't talked to each other. She knows my schedule and can usually predict what I'm up to before we even talk. But somehow we always find something to blab about. And she is, without a doubt, my #1 blog fan! I think she secretly gets a lil disappointed when she checks my blog for the 10th time in a day and it's not been updated. Even though she knows everything that's already happened in my day. But she'll check it one more time before she goes to bed just in case I've updated it! That's my mom. And I love her so much. Thanks for all your words of wisdom and all the hugs and support even over the miles.


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful tribute to your Mom.
As you know Bob has been in the hospital and we are still dealing with issues so watching that video really made me feel good. We both enjoyed. You take wonderful candid photos.
We think of you often. You must keep up your strength. Our love goes out to Don, the kids and you, Love Aunt Shirl

Heather said...

Your video of your mom made me smile! What a blessing you have with your mom being so supportive and loving. God ya!

Anonymous said...

I loved the slide show! The music along with it was great, I love that version of the song. I'll have to use that site in the future. Luckily I have you to intoduce me to all of the possibilities with blogging. Happy belated Birthday Pat! Hope you had a great day!