Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Boys Antics This Week

First let me update that Don called on Monday. He had taken most of the day off on Sunday (a rarity for him since he's been there). He has been working on some corespondence course work and finally completed Phase 1 (out of 3 Phases). He is quite pleased to have that portion of this course over with.

Monday morning was President's Day so Benjamin had off school as did my helper! So, we picked her up at 9 a.m. It was an absolute gorgeous day here with temperatures around 65 degrees and sunny. So, we all spent some time outside then Samuel and I came inside while Benjamin and my helper stayed outside for awhile longer. Benjamin is doing great peddling on his little bike! He was just learning to peddle in the fall so it's great that he's really picked it back up. I managed to get quite a bit done on Monday morning and loved having the help. Benjamin was entertained for hours playing and having fun and Samuel took a decent morning nap which allowed me plenty of me time! Yipee! Don called during that time frame too and Benjamin got to talk to him. He was pretty talkative. After lunch we took my helper home and returned home just in time for nap time. Samuel surprised me by taking another nap!

And Monday after naps we headed out to Dave and Nelly's house. We had planned out playing outside there but the temperatures had started to fall by then. But the kids had a ball playing inside. We had dinner with them and I enjoyed the adult company at dinner!

Yesterday was a fun-filled day at work for me. And Benjamin and his buddy, Jack managed to stir up some trouble in the afternoon. Apparently, they found some mud puddles in Jack's back yard. After that fiasco, Natalie changed them up and was doing their laudry when I arrived! Luckily, Benjamin's shoes were dry for school this morning.

Last night after dinner Benjamin was looking at a magnet on the refrigerator. It is a Walgreens magnet that he is fascninated with for some reason. It has a picture of the store on it (which opened somewhat recently) and he often asks me the name of the store. Well, last night as he was looking at it he said "Mommy, can we go to Green Wall." I wasn't sure what he was referring to until I saw the magnet in his hands. "No, Benjamin. It is Walgreens and we're not going tonight."

Today was the post-poned Valentine's Party for Benjamin's class (since last week was a snow day and Monday was a holiday). Benjamin was VIP which meant he got to have a special guest in class. Well, I filled that roll today and we made some lil fish creatures out of foamy hearts. They turned out great and the kids had a ball making them. As all the kids thanked Benjamin's mom for coming Benjamin belted out "You're welcome, everybody!" It was pretty cute. He may not always be the best behaved child but he does great in the manners department.

We had a great day today really. Natalie watched Samuel for me while I went into Benjamin's class and then took his morning nap in the car. Samuel is too stinkin entertaining these days. He's such a busy boy... into everything and especially fond of the dogs' water bowl. ugh. He also loves to help me with the laundry. I often take him with me into the laundry room and he apparently thinks everything belongs in the dryer (i.e. wet, dry, clean, dirty). It often becomes challenging to get the laundry done. And I can forget about folding any sort of laundry when he is awake. He loves to unfold anything that he can get his lil hands on. Between his interest in the dishwasher and his love for laundry he ought to make some woman a very good husband in the future.

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